Middletons managing partner Nick Nichola said he expects the next few months to remain somewhat sluggish before picking up significantly in the second half of 2010.

“I think things will still be reasonably tight until the end of the financial year but I think the last six months of the calendar year is when we’ll see more of an upturn,” Nichola said. “Projecting out, we believe there will be upward movement in the banking & finance space as well as the M&A space and capital markets space.”

Nichola said that, despite a downturn in business over the past 12-18 months, the firm did not need to institute any measures such as salary or hiring freezes. “We’ve obviously noticed a slowdown in business over the last year or so but we haven’t had to put any artificial measures in place,” he said.

Middletons’ technology services and IP practice areas have remained strong throughout the downturn, Nichola said, but he expects to see banking & finance feature prominently as work levels increase in the second half of the year.

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