Welcome to ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2024!
DATE Thursday, 5 December 2024 | |
TIME 8.30am to 5.00pm | |
VENUE Guangzhou 广州 |
Event Overview
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is one of the regions with the highest degree of openness and the strongest economic vitality in China. It is an important attempt by the country to promote the formation of a new development pattern of comprehensive opening up in the new era. The Greater Bay Area has a solid manufacturing foundation, and enterprises in the region are converging on high-tech industries and advanced manufacturing industries. The current complex and changeable international situation and the normalization of the epidemic have brought new opportunities and challenges to economic development; at the same time, the accelerated integration of different legal and policy frameworks in the three regions in the Greater Bay Area has continued to provide economic growth. Provide kinetic energy.
In this context, Thomson Reuters Asian Legal Business (ALB) will hold the Greater Bay Area Forum in Guangzhou on 5 December 2024. This forum invited senior experts in the legal service market to share their professional observations and reflections on laws and practices under different legal systems in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, involving capital market, intellectual property, anti-monopoly, corporate compliance, disputes To solve hot topics in various fields, discuss the legal issues and solutions faced by enterprises in the process of business development, help corporate decision-makers to accurately understand laws and regulations and the latest policies, and timely grasp their business opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and even Asia.
Target Audience
- Head of Legal, VP Legal, Head of Compliance, Legal Director, GM (Legal)
- In-House Counsels, Regional Counsels
- Business Leaders/ owners, Senior Corporate Executives
- Government official of commercial and legal affairs
- Private practice lawyers
- Legal service providers, and more
Benefits of Attending
- FREE** passes to in-house counsels and business leaders with access to full-day sessions
- Key insight into the latest legal issues in Greater Bay Area
- Networking opportunities with senior In-House counsels, lawyers and business leaders who are on top of their game
- In-depth panel discussion sessions with some of the most distinguished corporate counsels in the region
- VIP networking luncheon and refreshments
汤森路透《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)将于12月5日在广州举办2024 粤港澳大湾区法律论坛。本次论坛将与数百位资深法务专家、法律实务精英及企业高管齐聚,共同对大湾区企业当下关注的全球上市路径、企业合规管理、大数据与人工智能、数据安全治理、涉外知识产权、商事争议解决等热点议题进行深入探讨,分享最新的行业动态及法律实践。
- 公司高管
- 商务、法律界官员
- 企业总法律顾问、法务部门主管、总经理、合规负责人、法务总监
- 公司法务
- 粤港澳大湾区热点法律问题洞察
- 与来自不同领域或行业的法律专家及企业总法律顾问面对面交流互动
- 扩展人脉的绝佳机会
- 自助午餐及茶歇
- 免费门票
Click "REGISTER NOW" to get free entry:
*Please note that free passes are not applicable to law firms and legal service providers. Representatives from law firms and legal service providers are welcome to contact Amantha (amantha.chia@thomsonreuters.com) for further information on how to participate in the event.
** Referrals are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply.
点击 “立即注册” 获得免费入场资格:

Welcome to ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2024!
DATE Thursday, 5 December 2024 | |
TIME 8.30am to 5.00pm | |
VENUE Guangzhou 广州 |
• 新形势下粤港澳大湾区企业的全球上市路径新探索 New Ideas of the GBA enterprises' global listing
• 粤港澳大湾区跨境争议解决法律实务 Legal Practice of Cross-border Dispute Resolution in GBA
• 企业知识产权合规管理体系的法律建议与实践 Legal Advice & Practice on the IP Compliance Management System
• 大数据与人工智能:企业知识产权保护及争议纠纷的新挑战及其应对 Big Data and AI: New Challenges and Responses to Enterprise IP Protection and Disputes
• 大湾区企业数据安全治理的挑战与应对 Enterprise Data Security Management in GBA

Welcome to ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2024!
欢迎来到 2024 ALB 粤港澳大湾区法律论坛!
DATE Thursday, 5 December 2024 | |
TIME 8.30am to 5.00pm | |
VENUE Guangzhou 广州 |
Lawyer WANG has provided specialized and perennial legal counsel services to local governments at all levels, large state-owned enterprises, and listed companies for a long time. Additionally, he simultaneously serves as a graduate advisor at Jinan University, Guangdong University of Technology, and other universities.

She has been awarded the honour of ‘1,000 Foreign Business Lawyer Talents of the Ministry of Justice’ and ‘Leading Foreign Business Lawyer Talents of Guangdong Province’;
Currently, she is the external tutor of Master of Laws of Sun Yat-sen University, the arbitrator of Wuhan Arbitration Commission, the arbitrator of Changsha Arbitration Commission, and the general counsel of French Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
Since returning to China in 2009, she has provided legal services for a large number of Chinese and foreign enterprises in cross-border investment and equity restructuring, cross-border dispute resolution, etc., which have been well received by clients.

For speaking opportunities and general enquiries, please contact:
Wang Jin
Phone: +86 10 5669 2009
Email: jin.wang@thomsonreuters.com
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Amantha Chia
Phone: +65 6973 8258
Email: amantha.chia@thomsonreuters.com
联系电话: +86 10 5669 2009
电子邮件: jin.wang@thomsonreuters.com
联系电话: +65 6973 8258
电子邮件: amantha.chia@thomsonreuters.com

Welcome to ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2024!
DATE Thursday, 5 December 2024 | |
TIME 8.30am to 5.00pm | |
VENUE Guangzhou 广州 |