大成在中国境内拥有46 家办公室,服务范围几乎覆盖了中国境内全部省、直辖市与自治区。作为中国成立最早、规模最大的合伙制律师事务所之一,大成成立于1992 年,秉承“志存高远,海纳百川,跬步千里,共铸大成”的核心文化理念,致力于为国内外客户提供专业、全面、优质、高效的法律服务。

2004年,大成开始实施第一个五年发展规划;2007 年,大成启动全球法律服务网络建设战略。从2007 年开始,大成的全球法律服务网络迅速扩张,依托完善的法律服务网络,大成律师能够在全球范围内共享项目信息、专业知识、业务经验等各类资源,为客户提供低成本、便捷和高效的法律服务。2005 年-2010 年,大成连续六年被评为“全国优秀律师事务所”,并在《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB) “全国律师事务所规模20 强”及“亚洲律师事务所规模50 强”评比中连续多年排名第一。


合并后的新律所在全球拥有逾10,000 名律师,服务超过70 个国家,业务遍及加拿大、美国、欧洲、英国、中东、非洲、澳洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区以及整个亚太地区,为客户提供丰富的本土经验,帮助他们在各个地区开展业务或解决争议。大成律师事务所与Dentons 律师事务所的合并,是中西方最具影响力的著名律师事务所最广泛最深入的合作,是律师服务体系世界范围内的创新,也是世界律师发展史上的一个重要里程碑。

Dentons’ China region consists of 46 offices, spanning all of the nation’s provinces and autonomous regions. It was formed through the 2015 combination of global firm Dentons and Chinese firm 大成. Partly as a result of that combination, Dentons is now the largest law firm in the world.

Founded in 1992, 大成was one of the first partnership law firms in China and is now one of the largest. 大成began implementing its first five-year plan in 2004, and in 2007 the firm launched its strategy of building a global legal services network. Through the rapid expansion that has resulted, 大成lawyers gained access to global resources, referrals, knowledge and experience—enhancing delivery of cost-effective, agile and efficient service to clients.

From 2005 to 2010, 大成was named an “Outstanding Law Firm in China” for six consecutive years, and topped Asian Legal Business’ annual rankings of “ALB China Top 20 Largest Law Firms” and “ALB Asia Top 50 Largest Law Firms” for years.

With more than 10,000 lawyers serving more than 70 countries, Dentons offers clients the benefit of quality experience in and of the communities in which they want to do business or resolve a dispute—from Canada and the United States, across Europe, the United Kingdom, the Middle East and Africa, Australia, Latin America and the Caribbean and throughout the Asia Pacific region. Through broad and in-depth cooperation between the most influential law firms from China and the West, we are innovating the world’s legal services sector and marking a milestone in the history of the global legal profession.

网址: https://www.dentons.com/zh

Website: https://www.dentons.com/zh 

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