8TH DECEMBER • SHENZHEN 12月8日 • 深圳 Asian Legal Business is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: South China & Central China, with the winners being announced in a gala ceremony in Shenzhen on Friday 8th December, 2023. These prestigious awards will pay tribute to the outstanding performance of private practitioners and in-house teams in South China & Central China, which covers 7 provinces and 1 autonomous region: Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Henan, Hubei and Hunan. Put forth your own law firm, in-house team or other teams in this areas you have worked with in the past year to recognize their accomplishments and efforts. Recognizing your organization’s accomplishments, ALB would like to invite you to nominate your own legal team or that of another organization that you have worked with in the past, for one or more of the categories we will be presenting on the awards night. Joining the nomination process and attending the awarding ceremony are ideal opportunities for law firms and in-house teams not only to establish competitive networks, but also to showcase their expertise and leading position in the legal community. 《亚洲法律杂志》欣然宣布,2023 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖: 华南地区 & 华中地区提名已开放,这些象征着华南华中地区法律市场领先地 位的奖项最终花落谁家,将于2023年12月8日(星期五)在深圳举行的颁奖盛典上一一公布。 此次大奖将聚焦于华南华中地区7个省和自治区,即福建省,广东省,广西壮族自治区、海南省、河南省、湖北省和湖南省,旨在肯定和宣传 在华南华中地区法律服务市场实力雄厚、成绩斐然、表现亮眼的顶尖律师事务所、公司法务团队及个人,致力于鼓励更多的法律团队及从 业者在该领域做出杰出贡献。《亚洲法律杂志》诚邀华南华中地区的法律从业者参与到本次大奖中,展示您及团队的专业程度和领先地位, 并帮助您建立极具竞争力的人脉资源。

1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS 服务提出了截然不 同的要求。 BRI EFS 4 Big Story 焦点故事 8 Appointments 律师转所信息 9 Deals 交易 With contributions from: • Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm 北京市道可特律师事务所 COVER STORY 10 2023 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams 2023 ALB China 十五佳新科技公司 法务团队 In China, companies in the new technology sector have ample room for growth, but they are also contending with increasingly stringent regulations. How do the in-house teams in this domain adapt to the swiftly evolving landscape? Several award-winning teams share their insights with ALB. 在中国,新科技公司 拥有广阔的发展空 间,也面临着趋严的 监管。工作于这一领 域的法务团队如何 应对快速变化的发 展环境?部分上榜团 队与ALB分享了他们 的思考。 Ranking by ALB, text by Victor Wu With contributions from: • AliExpress 全球速卖通 • Align APAC 爱齐亚太区 • Du Xiaoman 度小满 FEATURES 18 A crisis of confidence 直面“信心危机” In February, the A-share market kicked off its registration-based IPO system. Capital markets lawyers point out that under the new IPO system, regulators and market players are still finding their way, while intermediaries are also intensifying their efforts to prevent and control practice risks. 今年2月,股票发行 注册制在A股市场全 面实施,叠加中国放 开疫情管控措施,市 场原本对A股抱以充 沛信心。然而进入8 月,市场信心可谓跌 至冰点。资本市场律 师指出,注册制下,监 管及市场主体仍处于 磨合之中,中介机构 也在加紧做好执业风 险防控。 24 2023 ALB China M&A Rankings 2023 ALB China 并购排名 The firms listed in this year’s ALB M&A Rankings have demonstrated real professional capabilities under tremendous pressure. They are also looking forward to the next M&A spring with diligence and hard work. 今年上榜ALB并购排 名的律师事务所可谓 在重压之下呈现出真 正的专业实力,他们 也期待以勤奋、精进, 陪伴并购市场迎来下 一个春天。 With contributions from: • Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 32 Fully charged 全速前进 Regarded widely as the “Made in China” sector with the greatest potential, the EV industry however brings a complete different set of requirements for legal services, and lawyers need to prepare accordingly. 7月初,中国第2000 万辆新能源汽车下 线,中国汽车产业迎 来又一个里程碑。作 为最具潜力的“中国 制造”板块,新能源 汽车行业也对法律 24 2023 ALB CHINA M&A RANKINGS 2023 ALB China并购排名 Image: Guitar photographer/

2 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 Asian Legal Business is available by subscription. Please visit for details. Asian Legal Business has an audited average circulation of 11,402 as of 30 September 2016.Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Asian Legal Business can accept no responsibility for loss. MCI (P) 003/02/2023 issn 0219 – 6875 KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605) Thomson Reuters 18 Science Park Drive Singapore 118229 / T (65) 6775 5088 / F (65) 6333 0900 10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong / T (852) 3762 3269 RANAJIT DAM, Managing Editor, Asian Legal Business, Thomson Reuters HEAD OF LEGAL MEDIA BUSINESS, ASIA & EMERGING MARKETS Amantha Chia 谢京庭 MANAGING EDITOR Ranajit Dam 邓文杰 CHINA EDITOR Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST Victor Wu 吴嘉林 EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE Charlie Wu 吴卓言 SENIOR CONTENT MANAGER Wang Jin 王瑾 CHINA RESEARCH Bian Jie 边洁 SENIOR DESIGNER John Agra TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION MANAGER Rozidah Jambari MEDIA PUBLISHING ADMINISTRATOR Amy Lai 黎凯盈 SALES MANAGERS Yvonne Cheung 张裕裕 China Key Accounts (852) 2847 2003 Steven Zhao 赵树群 China Key Accounts (86) 010 5669 2021 Steffi Yang 杨绮繁 South and West China (86) 010 5669 2041 Hiroshi Kaneko Japan (81) 3 4520 1192 Jonathan Yap Indonesia, Singapore (65) 9832 8945 Krupa Dalal India, Middle East, Singapore (91) 22 6189 7087 Romulus Tham Southeast Asia (65) 6870 3035 In this issue, we dive into the dynamic intersection of law, technology, and compliance within the burgeoning landscape of China’s new tech era. This edition’s cover story, celebrating the ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-house Teams 2023, illuminates the innovative strides and compliance-centric approaches adopted by the winning in-house legal teams in the realm of cutting-edge technology. In this feature, we explore how these teams, hailed from diverse industries and at varying stages of development, prioritize compliance as a fundamental pillar, showcasing their pivotal roles in risk mitigation and the evolution of corporate strategies. From leveraging advanced technologies like AI and big data to fortifying legal frameworks against emerging risks, their journeys exemplify the ever-evolving landscape of corporate legal functions. Furthermore, we delve into the strategic visions of leading companies such as Keep and Du Xiaoman, analyzing their future-focused compliance strategies tailored to navigate the mature fintech market. Their proactive approaches, as outlined by their legal directors, provide invaluable insights into achieving compliance, risk aversion, and strategic alignment within the intricate contours of today’s legal landscape. We hope this issue inspires legal professionals, corporate leaders, and technology enthusiasts to delve deeper into the realm of legal innovation and compliance within China’s fast-paced technological landscape. 本期杂志中,我们将深入中国蓬勃发展的新科技领域,一探法律、技术和 合规之间的生动互动。本期封面故事——2023 ALB China十五佳新科技公司 法务团队榜单,展现了在先锋科技世界中,优秀法务团队如何一边在创新领域 大踏步前进,一边又采纳以合规为中心的工作方法。 上榜法务团队来自不同领域、处于不同发展阶段的公司,他们以合规为支 柱,在风险控制、公司决策过程中扮演关键性角色。借助AI、大数据等先进技术, 他们搭建起风控法律框架,也展现出公司法务角色的不断演进和发展。 在榜单报告中,我们与Keep、度小满等团队展开深度交谈,分析了他们面 向未来的合规发展策略。这些策略绝佳地描绘出在今天的法律图景中,法务团 队该如何同时达成合规、风控及对战略支持的目标。 我们期待本期专题能够鼓舞和激发法律专业人士、公司领导者,以及“科技 迷”的热情,促使大家共同携手,一探法律领域创新及合规的究竟,与中国快速演 进的科技图景实现共同进步。 NEW TECH HERALDS NEW ERA 新科技预示新时代


4 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 BIG STORY ALL ABOUT THE MONEY In recent years, the traditional pricing arrangement between a law firm and a client has been increasingly challenged by requests for alternative frameworks, while the turbulent economic environment has further squeezed budgets on legal spending. Law firms in Asia share what they have experienced with clients’ demands in fee arrangements and how they are navigating the new dynamics to achieve continued profitability. HAVE YOU SEEN CLIENT DEMANDS WHEN IT COMES TO FEE ARRANGEMENTS AND PAYMENT TERMS EVOLVED IN THE PAST YEAR? HOW ARE YOU ADAPTING TO THE SAME? 过去一年中,客户对收费安排和付款条件是否提出了新要求?贵所是如何应对的? 近年来,客户频繁提出新的付费模式要求,导致律所和客户之间传统的收费结构愈发受到挑战,而 经济环境的起伏不定更是进一步挤压了法律服务的预算。几家亚洲律所和ALB分享了客户对它们 提出的收费方面的安排要求,以及它们如何应对以实现持续盈利。 费用“攸关”

5 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CHOOI JING YEN ALFRED IP BIG STORY EDDIE LOOK EDDIE LOOK, partner, Tanner De Witt: We recognise the evolving demands of our clients in today’s landscape, especially in light of the past three years. At Tanner De Witt, we take pride by adapting to changing needs, offering innovative fee arrangements and payment terms that prioritise transparency and value. Transparency is at the heart of our approach. To address this, we will agree to fixed fee structures for specific services and matters where appropriate. By providing clients with upfront information on costs, we enable them to make better-informed business decisions with greater financial certainty. Alternative fee arrangements have emerged as a key component of our client-centric strategy. We can offer flexible options, where appropriate, such as capped fees and stepped discounts for volume work or blended rates, which all align our interests with those of our clients. This fosters a collaborative relationship and underscores our commitment to achieving the agreed objectives within budget. Our delivery approach is to maximise efficiencies by carefully balancing the involvement between partners and associates when executing tasks, ultimately leading to greater value and cost-effectiveness for our clients. Our billing practices prioritise client engagement and satisfaction by providing detailed monthly billing statements, offering a comprehensive breakdown of services rendered. Our communication is the cornerstone of our client relationships. We maintain open channels of communication, providing regular updates on case progress and addressing client concerns promptly. This approach demonstrates our commitment to keeping clients informed and engaged throughout and helps us to achieve our goal, which is to deliver unparalleled legal services with client satisfaction. CHOOI JING YEN, partner, Eugene Thuraisingam: With Singapore relaxing its rules surrounding conditional fee agreements and third-party funding, especially in arbitration-related matters in 2022, clients are demanding more sophistication in fee arrangements. Especially so if they come from jurisdictions where contingency fees have been the norm, in contrast to Singapore’s strict prohibition against the same until recently and only in respect of certain prescribed matters. If requested to do so, a Singapore lawyer would have to consider the regulations very carefully to ensure that the matter in question does fall within the circumscribed exceptions, and that the client is properly and transparently informed in plain language of the various contingencies, some of which can tend to be quite complex. The introduction of new costs guidelines for contentious court matters in 2021 also saw a general uplift in party-and-party costs awards. This is reflective of the inflationary environment in Singapore and also means that solicitor-client costs have been on the general uptrend. This has translated to more requests for deferred payment schemes and even requests for contingency fee arrangements. Unfortunately, the range of matters for which contingency fee arrangements are allowed are still narrowly circumscribed, and to fall foul of this can lead to grave professional consequences. That said, more innovations to fee arrangements are only to be expected and we should see an expansion in the utilisation of conditional fee agreements as well as third party funding in the coming years, especially as the latter continues to be a growing industry service and dispute amounts grow larger. ALFRED IP, founding partner, Hugill & Ip: In my experience, clients always expect a high level of

6 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 certainty for legal services, from the advice that they seek to the price that they pay for the advice. In most of the non-contentious matters, such as drafting and advising on a legal document, experienced lawyers should be able to provide a fee quote and adhere to the same. If there are any unforeseen circumstances leading to an escalation of time spent and change of quotation, they should inform the clients immediately. Clients hate surprises as much as lawyers! This is particularly the case when we are talking about legal services which are highly commoditised, such as will writing (although we have litigated a lot of those wills), when the decisionmaking process is highly driven by price. To stay competitive, we need to educate our potential clients that we are providing an extra level of services to do a proper job for them, and therefore, our fees may not be the lowest in the market. For some of our legal services that we cannot provide a fixed fee quote, e.g., in contentious legal proceedings, we may consider flexible payment arrangement, taking into account clients’ financial means and resources. In Hong Kong, we cannot enter contingency fee arrangement with our clients, but we can certainly consider payment arrangement such as monthly instalments. We also consider it part of our job to provide a high level of transparency in our billing process and a regular billing cycle for our clients to understand and settle their bills.. 陆国辉,香港泰德威律师事务所合伙人:我们理 解在目前的环境下,尤其是考虑到过去三年,客 户的需求在不断变化。泰德威以能适应不断变 化的客户需求为荣。我们有创新的收费安排和 支付条款,优先考虑透明度和能够为客户带来 的价值。 确保收费透明是核心。为此,在适当的情况 下,我们同意就特定服务和事项收取固定费用。 我们会向客户提前告知与收费相关的信息,使 他们能做出更明智的商业决策,并享有更高的 财务稳定性。替代收费安排已成为我们客户为 本战略的关键布局。在适当的情况下,我们可以 向客户提供灵活的选择。比如批量业务可以采 取封顶费用或阶梯折扣,还有混合费率,这些都 使我们的利益与客户的利益能保持一致。这促 进了我们与客户的合作关系,进一步证明我们 对在预算内实现商定目标的承诺。开展业务时, 我们会仔细平衡合伙人和普通律师的业务参与 度,最大限度地提高效率,最终为客户创造更大 的价值和成本效益。 计费方面,我们提供详细的月度账单,全面 解析所提供服务的明细,优先考虑客户参与度 和满意度。沟通是我们维护客户关系的基石。我 们始终保持沟通渠道畅通无阻,定期提供业务 进展最新情况,及时为客户解忧。我们始终致力 于让客户了解业务情况并有参与感,并让客户 帮助我们实现以其满意的方式提供最优质的法 律服务这一目标。 徐敬彦,新加坡Eugene Thuraisingam律师 事务所合伙人:随着新加坡在2022年松绑了条 件收费协议和第三方融资的相关规定,特别是 仲裁相关事务,客户对费用安排的要求更多、更 复杂了,尤其是那些习惯了风险代理费的客户。 这与新加坡形成对比:直到最近新加坡都严格禁 止风险代理费协议,而且政策松绑也只针对某些 规定事项。如果客户要求使用风险代理费方式, 新加坡律师就必须非常仔细地研读法规,以确 保所涉业务事项确实属于限定的例外情况,并必 须以通俗易懂的方式,正确、透明地告知客户各 种条件——其中有些条件可以说是相当复杂的。 2021年,新加坡针对法院诉讼业务引入了 新的收费指南,当事人之间的费用裁决数额普 遍提高。这反映了新加坡的通胀环境,也意味着 客户的律师费用成本呈上升趋势。这使得更多 客户提出了延期付款请求,甚至要求使用风险 代理费安排。然而,适用风险代理费的事项范围 仍然很窄,违反这一规定可能会对律师造成严 重的职业后果。 但是,费用安排预计会有更多创新。未来几 年,我们应该也会看到条件收费协议和第三方 融资的更广泛运用,尤其是在后者继续成为一 项不断增长的行业服务,且争议金额越来越大 的情况下。 叶焕信,香港高叶律师行创始合伙人:就我个人 经验而言,客户总是希望法律服务高度确定。这 体现在他们寻求的法律建议中,也体现在他们 为法律建议支付的费用上。绝大多数非讼业务, 如法律文件的起草和咨询服务,经验丰富的律师 应该能够提供费用报价并遵守其报价。 若出现了不可预见的情况导致律师花费的时 间增加、费用高过报价,律师应立即通知客户。客 户和律师一样讨厌出现意外情况!这对已经高度 商品化的法律服务尤甚,如书立遗嘱(不过我们 律所代理过不少遗嘱相关的诉讼业务),对于这 类服务,客户的决策过程受价格高度影响。为保 持市场竞争力,我们需要向潜在客户解释,我们 向他们提供额外的高水平服务,以确保能做好 业务,所以我们的收费可能不是市场上最低的。 对于无法提供固定费用报价的法律服务,如 诉讼业务,鉴于客户的财力和资源,我们可以考 虑灵活的付费安排。香港不允许律师与客户订 立风险代理费协议,但我们完全可以考虑每月 分期付款等付费安排。同时,我们也在计费过程 中保证高度透明,并为客户提供固定计费周期, 帮助他们理解和结算账单。 BIG STORY

7 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 王晓龙 北京道可特(海口)律师事务所 管委会主任、高级合伙人 BROUGHT TO YOU BY BEIJING DOCVIT LAW FIRM 随着科技的飞速发展和市场竞争的日益“内卷”,企 业面临的竞争压力也在不断增大。在这种情况下,对商业 秘密的保护显得尤为重要。然而,由于各种原因,许多企 业在处理商业秘密方面存在一些问题,可能会面临法律风 险。本文将探讨企业如何有效地应对商业秘密法律风险。 我们先来看一下商业秘密的基本概念。商业秘密是 指不为公众所知悉、具有商业价值并经权利人采取相应 保密措施的技术信息、经营信息等商业信息。首先,不为 公众所知悉就是“非公知性”,不是随随便便就能得到的; 其次要有商业价值,即能为权利人带来经济利益;再次还 需要权利人采取了相应的保密措施,如果权利人都不重 视不采取保密措施,那么法律也不会保护;最后,它是技 术信息、经营信息等商业信息,也就是说商业秘密不仅包 含技术信息,如图纸、软件、工艺流程、技术文档等,还包 括经营信息,如客户名单、公司内部的规章制度、薪酬体 系等。 商业秘密和专利权相比具有以下一些特点:(1)商业 秘密保护范围广,不光保护技术方案,还保护软件、算法、 经营信息等;(2)商业秘密维护成本低,不需要缴纳申请 费、维护费等;(3)商业秘密保护期没有期限的限制,专利 一旦批准后都有保护期,比如发明20年、实用新型10年、 外观设计15年;(4)商业秘密一旦泄露,造成的损害就不 可逆,风险大,维权成本高。 商业秘密泄露的途径主要有以下几种:(1)核心技术 人员或管理人员离职;(2)商业间谍窃取;(3)发表论文泄 密;(4)对外宣传、合作、参观访问等。 侵犯商业秘密会承担的法律责任包括:停止侵权、消 除影响、赔偿损失等的民事责任;没收违法所得、罚款等 行政处罚;严重的有可能会承担刑事责任,最高可能会判 处十年以下有期徒刑。我国的《反不正当竞争法》《民法典》 《刑法》及有关的司法解释都对侵犯商业秘密的法律责 任进行了规范。 我们已经初步了解了商业秘密的概念、特点、泄密的 途径和侵犯商业秘密要承担的法律责任等信息,那么对 于企业来说,如何应对商业秘密的法律风险呢?企业内部 商业秘密管理机制是商业秘密保护的核心,权利保护的 企业如何应对商业 秘密法律风险 最高追求永远是防患于未然。商业秘密的保护更应强调 未雨绸缪,通过严密的管理和有效的预防措施,避免泄密 情况的发生。有效的内部管理机制主要包括四个方面,即 细致的管理制度、科学的人员管理和培训、严格的信息访 问控制和良好的企业文化氛围。下面是我们给出的一些 建议和实操的做法。 首先,企业在保护商业秘密上需要有细致的管理制 度和程序。企业应该建立一套保密制度,明确规定如何处 理和保护企业内部涉密信息、知识产权以及其他敏感数 据。此外,还需要制定并执行违反这些制度和程序的惩罚 机制。 其次,对员工进行培训是至关重要的步骤,所有员工 都应该了解什么是商业秘密以及泄露商业秘密可能带来 什么后果。同时,他们也应该了解如何正确处理和保护这 些信息。对新入职的关键岗位员工应进行背景调查,避免 录用商业间谍或有竞业限制的人员。 第三点是实施严格的访问控制系统来限制对涉密信 息的访问权限。只有那些真正需要知道这些信息的人才 能获得相应权限,并且必须时刻监控他们是否按照规定 使用和存储这些数据。适当采用加密等安全措施也可以 大大减少泄露商业秘密风险。例如,可以使用最新加密算 法来加强文件、电子邮件以及其他敏感数据传输过程中 安全性。 另外,在签署任何合同或协议之前,务必向专门从事 知识产权法或者相关领域法律服务机构进行咨询,防止 因为忽视某项条款而造成意料之外的损失。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是建立一个良好而健康 文化氛围,员工如果认同公司价值观并愿意为公司利益 付出努力,则更不容易泄露或滥用公司内部资料。 综上所述,企业需通过确立明晰制度、提供足够培 训、实行严格访问控制、采取合理安全防范手段以及营造 良好文化氛围等方式来避免商业秘密的泄露。然而每个 企业都具有自身特色与环境需求,因此在实践以上建议 时需根据自身情况灵活调整适配,只有通过持续努力才 能真正达到预期目标——有效避免商业秘密所带来的潜 在法律风险。

8 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 APPOINTMENTS CAI QIXIAO 蔡启孝 LEAVING 原就职律所 East & Concord Partners 天达共和律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 JunZeJun Law Offices 君泽君律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Banking and Finance 银行与金融 LOCATION 地点 Beijing 北京 HALLAM CHOW 仇浩然 LEAVING 原就职律所 Mayer Brown 孖士打律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Haiwen & Partners 海问律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Banking and Finance 银行与金融 LOCATION 地点 Beijing, Hong Kong SAR 北京、中国香港特别行政区 GUO YOUNING 郭佑宁 LEAVING 原就职律所 TianTong Law Firm 天同律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Shihui Partners 世辉律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Dispute Resolution 争议解决 LOCATION 地点 Beijing 北京 JOANNA JIANG 姜璐璐 LEAVING 原就职律所 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Wei Tu Law Firm 罗夏信律师事务所—广东伟途律师事务所联营 PRACTICE 业务领域 Private Wealth Management 私人财富管理 LOCATION 地点 Shanghai 上海 ZHAO LIANG 赵亮 LEAVING 原就职律所 Government Departments 某政府部门 JOINING 现就职律所 Beijing DOCIVT Law Firm 北京市道可特律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Real Estate and Construction 房地产与建设工程 LOCATION 地点 Haikou 海口 ZHU HUAFANG 朱华芳 LEAVING 原就职律所 TianTong Law Firm 天同律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Hui Zhong Law Firm 汇仲律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Dispute Resolution 争议解决 LOCATION 地点 Beijing 北京

9 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA $3.42BLN Bank Of Nanjing’s issuance of financial bonds Deal Type: Bond Firm: Jincheng Tongda & Neal Jurisdictions: China 南京银行发行金融债券 交易类型:债券 参与律所:金诚同达律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $3.16BLN Chindata’s take private deal Deal Type:Privatisation Firm:Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Weil, Gotshal & Manges, Kirkland & Ellis, King & Wood Mallesons, Conyers Dill & Pearman, Maples, Calder, Haiwen & Partners Jurisdictions: China, US 秦淮数据私有化交易 交易类型:私有化 参与律所:金杜律师事务所、海问律师事 务所、美国吉布森律师事务所、威嘉律师 事务所、凯易国际律师事务所、康德明律 师事务所、迈普达律师事务所 管辖地:中国,美国 $1.27BLN ZG Group’s de-SPAC merger with Aquila Acquisition Corporation in Hong Kong Deal Type: M&A Firm: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Maples and Calder, Kirkland & Ellis, Shihui Partners, Allen & Overy, JunHe, Paul Hastings Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR 找钢网与Aquila Acquisition Corporation 完成de-SPAC合并 参师 与事 律务 所所 ,:凯富交易而 易 国德 类 际律 型 律师 : 师事 并 事务 购 务所 ,所迈,世普 辉达 律律 师 事 务师所事,安务理所国,普际衡律律师师事事务务所所,君 合 律 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区 $744MLN Xpeng forms strategic deal with Didi Deal Type: ECM Firm: Fangda Partners, Sullivan & Cromwell Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR 小鹏、滴滴达成战略合作 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:方达律师事务所、 苏利文•克伦威尔律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区 $500MLN NWTN’s strategic investment into Evergrande NEV Deal Type: ECM Firm: Fangda Partners, Baker McKenzie Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR 恒大汽车获纽顿集团战略投资 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:方达律师事务所、 贝克•麦坚时律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区 $275MLN Cognex Corporation’s acquisition of Moritex Corporation Deal Type: M&A Firm: Fangda Partners Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan 康耐视收购日本光学原件公司Moritex 交易类型:并购 参与律所:方达律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区,日本 $274MLN Xi’an Happiness Forestry Belt’s issuance of Green Asset Securitization Products Deal Type: Bond Firm: Tian Yuan Law Office Jurisdictions: China 西安幸福林带发行绿色资产证券化产品 交易类型:债券 参与律所:天元律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $260MLN GRANDIT’s listing on the STAR Market Deal Type: ECM Firm: DeHeng Law Offices Jurisdictions: China 中巨芯科创版上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:德恒律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $150MLN Doppler Electronic Technologies’ listing on GEM in Shenzhen Deal Type: ECM Firm: AllBright Law Offices Jurisdictions: China 多浦乐创业板上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:锦天城律师事务所 管辖地:中国 DEALS

10 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 After over two months of extensive research and careful consideration, the 2023 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams list has been revealed. In China, companies in the new technology sector have ample room for growth, but they are also contending with increasingly stringent regulations. How do the in-house teams in this domain adapt to the swiftly evolving landscape? Several award-winning teams share their insights with ALB. RANKING BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY VICTOR WU 经过两个多月的调研和评选,2023 ALB China十五佳新科技公司法务团队榜单出炉。在中国,新科技公司拥有 广阔的发展空间,也面临着趋严的监管。工作于这一领域的法务团队如何应对快速变化的发展环境?部分上榜团 队与ALB分享了他们的思考。 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:吴嘉林 “In recent years, the exponential growth of the technology industry has brought many new challenges and opportunities to in-house teams. The rise of new technology companies has not only transformed the industry landscape, but also raised the bar on in-house teams. In terms of professional capabilities, new technology in-house teams have shown outstanding performance. They are capable of providing effective legal support for the strategic development of their organizations as well as necessary legal safeguards for the companies’ business expansion. In terms of technological innovation, these in-house teams actively explore new legal technology, and employ big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of legal risks management.” The above text is an overview generated by a Large Language Model to describe “new technology in-house teams.” Although it is not 100 percent accurate and objective, the understanding and expression by AI-generated content (AIGC) of current technological developments, the role of in-house teams and the mutual influence of company development and in-house legal work are very much aligned with the original intention and significance of this ALB list. In fact, the AI-generated text has even “considered” the fact that in-house teams have begun to actively use legal technology products. AI technology represented by AIGC set off a global wave at the beginning of this year. In addition, many other new technology fields such as semiconductors, chips, biomedicine, new energy and smart manufacturing are also making rapid strides in China, transforming the country’s traditional industry structure and economic landscape, and generating huge attention and many hot topics. High-end and new technologies have already become important features of China’s emerging economy. The National Bureau of Statistics has made it clear that the emerging economy is based on new industries, new business formats and new business models, and driven by the Internet and new technological revolution. It is an economic format characterized by in-depth integration of information technology and industrialization, innovation of business models, institutions and mechanisms, efficient investment in human capital and reduced dependence on material factors. All the new technology companies spotlighted by ALB’s list exhibit such characteristics and are in harmony with the development trend of the new economy. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the economic valueadd of China’s “new industries, new business formats and new business models” reached approximately 21 trillion yuan ($2.89 trillion) in 2022, up 6.5 percent over the previous year and equivalent to 17.36 percent of total GDP. The continued rise of this figure over the past three years is proof that the momentum of the emerging economy has not been hampered by the pandemic. In the capital market, the STAR Market and the ChiNext have become the main stages for A-share IPOs. According to China’s Financial News, the number of IPOs on STAR Market and ChiNext stood at 123 and 148 respectively last year, accounting for 63 percent of total IPOs. The combined amount of funds raised by IPOs on those two markets accounts for 73 percent of the total amount raised by A-share IPOs, testament to the support the capital market has lent to technology innovation enterprises and emerging industries. COVER STORY TOP 15 NEW TECHNOLOGY IN-HOUSE TEAMS 十五佳新科技公司法务团队

11 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY Rapid technological updates and the continuous emergence of new industries, new business formats and new business models are inevitably accompanied by corresponding risks and regulatory moves. How to ensure the healthy and safe development of new technology companies has sparked much discussion. Take AIGC as an example. The Interim Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services issued by the Cyberspace Administration of China and seven ministries and commissions came into effect on Aug. 15, making it the world’s first legal document on AIGC regulation. The burden of supporting and safeguarding business has undoubtedly fallen first on in-house departments, while the tussle among business needs, innovation needs and compliance needs is constantly changing the growth trajectory of new technology in-house teams. IN-HOUSE TEAMS This year’s 15 winning in-house technology teams come from 15 different industry segments, including e-commerce, healthcare, online education, Internet finance, logistics, and other service companies. They also encompass companies in primary and secondary industries closely related to technology, such as agricultural technology innovation, smart manufacturing, and metamaterial technology and manufacturing. Geographically, six winners are headquartered in the Yangtze River Delta region and the Beijing-Tianjin region, while another three are based in the Pearl River Delta region. Regarding headcount, the in-house teams of five companies consist of five to ten members, while another five teams have 11 to 20 members. Two winning companies each have an in-house team of 20 to 30 people, and the remaining three companies boast an in-house team with 50 to 100 members. Only four winning companies established their in-house teams before 2015, with the remaining 11 teams all set up between 2015 and 2020. The winners this year have gone through a very similar growth journey. In particular, for teams belonging to “startups”, those companies initially often had only one in-house counsel to perform relatively traditional and limited work alone. As new technology companies continue to mature and technologies and products undergo rapid iteration, needs for compliance, investment and financing, intellectual property, dispute resolution, etc., grow rapidly. Accordingly, in-house teams are constantly expanding, and their importance is increasingly prominent. Regardless of their size or history, all winning teams this year have a robust professional setup and can cover comprehensive functions. Beijing Calorie Information Technology Co., Ltd., the developer of the sports tech brand Keep, set up its in-house department in 2018, and the team currently has 11 members. “Although our team is not big, it is very streamlined, capable, and ‘fit,’” says Liang Min, its legal director. According to Liang, vertically, Keep’s in-house team has set up legal BP groups to be responsible for the full range of legal services needed by each business line, such as contract review, advisory, training, etc. Horizontally, the team is divided into IP, litigation, and investment and financing groups to cover the entire company’s business, with clear divisions of tasks for patent, trademark, copyright, domain name, infringement monitoring, litigation and rights protection, investment and financing, etc. Du Xiaoman Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd, which empowers financial services through technology, set up its legal and compliance department in 2018. According to Xing Jing, the general manager of the department, “the Legal and Compliance Department currently has business BP teams and functional BP teams. Specifically, business teams vertically support credit, wealth management, payment, insurance, fintech, and supply chain operations, while the functional teams horizontally manage labor administration, investment and financing, consumer rights protection, business seals and licenses, IP, anti-money laundering, data compliance, and corporate security. Business teams and functional teams support each other. On the one hand, functional teams strengthen centralized management and optimize AliExpress - Legal Department 全球速卖通 – 法务部 Align APAC Legal & Compliance 爱齐亚太区法务合规部 Beijing Calorie Information Technology Co., Ltd. Legal Department 北京卡路里信息技术有限公司法务部 Legal Kanyun 看云控股法务部 Beijing Kuangshi Technology Co.,Ltd Legal Affairs Department 北京旷视科技有限公司法务部 Bojiang Group Limited Compliance Department 博将集团有限公司合规部 China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Legal Affairs Dept 中国天辰工程有限公司法律合规部 Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department 度小满法律合规部 Department of Legal & Intellectual Property, Foxconn Industrial Internet Co., Ltd. 富士康工业互联网股份有限公司法 务智权处 G7 Connect Inc. Legal Affairs Department G7易流集团法律事务部 Legal Affairs Department, Huizhou Desay SV Automotive Co., Ltd. 惠州市德赛西威汽车电子股份有限公 司法务部 Legal Department of Insilico Medicine 英矽智能法务部 Legal Center, Kuang-Chi Technologies Co. Ltd. 光启技术股份有限公司法务中心 Legal Department, Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. 上海哈啰普惠科技有限公司法务部 Legal & Compliance Department, Syngenta Group China 先正达集团中国法律合规部

12 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 COVER STORY resource allocation. On the other hand, the business teams implement the compliance requirements in different fields and refine them in a targeted way to achieve both efficiency and effect, and to form a model of matrix management.” With increasing clarity in their status and functions, high-performing in-house teams will also explore and exhibit some unique team “style.” Liang says that Keep’s in-house team has legally trained members but also members with professional backgrounds in engineering, computer science, and foreign languages. “We are an inclusive team. Everyone is responsible for different business areas and has different working styles. However, the style of the whole team is simple and upbeat, with flat management and a cooperative atmosphere. There is no sense of oppression within the team.” “Our principle is that ‘work can be demanding but should not be mentally draining.’ I strive to ensure equality across the whole team and avoid excessive internal competition and internal friction,” says Liang. The Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department has similar traits. “Our team members are highly professional and have interdisciplinary knowledge. Most members hold master’s degrees from top universities at home and abroad, with experiences from traditional finance, Internet finance, consulting firms, large multinational companies, and institutions of higher learning,” says Xing. “Emphasizing continuous learning, our team keeps track of cutting-edge legislation and academic developments at home and abroad. We have published professional articles in a number of conferences and journals and participated in many academic research studies and standard formulation projects. Under the direction and influence of the CEO and CRO, in addition to technical books, I also encourage everyone to read extensively about business management, history, culture, psychology, etc., to improve humanistic quality.” DATA COMPLIANCE As this year’s winning companies hail from different industries, are at varying stages of development, or possess diverse business and regulatory needs, each in-house team naturally has different focus areas. However, they all emphasize compliance as their top priority at the moment. Xing shares that the concept of “big compliance” is highlighted in his team, and compliance and legal functions are integrated. “Du Xiaoman’s BP teams have different divisions of tasks, but each is performing functions related to big compliance as the primary functions.” Liang says Keep always prioritizes compliance. Two months ago, Keep was officially listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, making it the first sports tech stock. This “highlight moment” is also a recognition of the continuous efforts over the years by the in-house team in compliance since its establishment. As two data-intensive new technology companies where the protection of user data is crucial, both Keep and Du Xiaoman regard data compliance as their highest priority. During the listing process, Keep not only hired multiple firms as corporate lawyers and securities brokerage lawyers but also engaged Global Law Office as its Chinese legal advisor on data compliance, the first of its kind for a Hong Kong IPO. “Data compliance has always been high on the agenda at Keep. We have established a data compliance committee chaired by our CEO who personally leads multiple data compliance projects. In the past two years, the in-house team worked with external law firms to monitor data compliance of all Keep products, classify and manage different data according to the requirements of laws and regulations.” “Although listing has been completed, data compliance work will continue, and we will keep constant track of changes in national laws and regulations. This is not only the compliance requirements of Keep but the responsibility and obligation to users.” Xing has noticed increasingly tightening regulation in data compliance and continuously intensifying law enforcement efforts. Furthermore, the rigor and advancement of data-related legislation in China have been leading the world in many aspects, and huge fines have been meted out. To him, data compliance work itself covers the entire lifecycle management of data, encompassing collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, and deletion. “The financial industry where Du Xiaoman operates handles many types of highly sensitive credit information and biometric information, the leakage of which will cause egregious consequences. Quickly identifying data compliance risks and ensuring data compliance have become the sword of Damocles hanging over the company’s head.” According to Xing, Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department takes the Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law as the overarching guidance, closely tracks regulatory movements in data protection, establishes a data compliance work blueprint and framework, and focuses on data management, the whole lifecycle of data processing, and the mechanism to respond to users’ personal information rights. NEXT STEP According to Liang, the Keep Legal Department continues to expand its business services to help the company reduce costs and enhance efficiency. “The in-house team has successfully recovered over 10 million yuan through litigation, preventing the company from incurring substantial financial losses.” “Simultaneously, the in-house team has cultivated an efficient partnership with business and technology units after long-term collaboration. We aim to be involved in the development of new services and technologies as early as possible to provide clear directions and opinions.” Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department has also refined its future focus as in-house work continues to deepen. “Du Xiaoman’s corporate compliance and risk management strategy focuses on two aspects. Firstly, we will enhance compliance in line with regulatory trends to complete our transition to compliance tilted towards risk aversion.

13 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 許逸仙 Cindy Hui General Counsel, AliExpress, Tmall World and Taobao Global BROUGHT TO YOU BY ALIEXPRESS AliExpress速卖通是一个全球B2C电商平台,使全球消费 者得以直接从中国乃至全球的制造商和经销商购买商品。除了 全球英文版本,速卖通平台还有17种其他语言的版本。随着国 际局势复杂多变,各国法律要求不一,且各国对电商行业、高科 技等关键领域的法律合规要求也在不断演变当中,AliExpress 速卖通法务团队也与时并进,特别设立法律专家小组,针对新 技术、数据保护等关键领域给予法律意见,包括:创新技术的应 用和拓展、电商平台的研发、改造及上线、数据合规的实践及提 升、金融支付产品及服务的研发及上线。 AliExpress速卖通法务团队成立于2015年,负责处理全 球电商平台运营的法律合规事务,助力AliExpress速卖通推进 全球化稳健发展。AliExpress速卖通法务团队广纳中国及海外 的优秀人才,有不少律师来自红圈律所、美资律所、魔术圈等顶 级律所及世界知名500强企业,持有中国大陆、中国香港以及 新加坡、英国、巴西、澳大利亚、法国等海外地区的律师牌照, 超过85%的员工有境外经验。各业务团队的负责人均为资深律 师,不少在行业及企业内屡获殊荣。AliExpress速卖通法务团 队重视人才梯队的培养,一方面为新加入的员工提供多元化的 培训,另一方面为员工提供广阔的学习及发挥空间。 AliExpress速卖通法务团队秉承开放、突破、迎难而上、 灵动变化的团队文化,做有担当、有业务视角又能替业务防范 风险的良好合作伙伴,并致力推动法务在线化、数字化、智能 化,让法律合规更简单,助力AliExpress速卖通在全球多个市 场的发展。 AliExpress速卖通法务团队专注以下几方面取得了令人 可喜的成绩 : 超越自我、迎难而上 —AliExpress速卖通法务团队 支持战略合作安排 AliExpress速卖通法务团队助力速卖通与优质第三方签 订战略合作协议,利用好合作方的优势,推进速卖通的业务发 展。例如,韩国巨企首次与速卖通进行搜索合作,韩国消费者可 通过韩国知名的购物搜索购物网站搜索到速卖通商品,为韩国 消费者购买海外产品提供便利。此外,AliExpress速卖通与仓 网联盟(跨境行业数智化海外仓配服务平台)达成战略合作,利 用好仓网联盟的大数据和智能预测算法,预测并协助客户决定 货物存放在哪些仓库和订单从哪个仓库发出,助力降低物流成 本,提升数字化及服务能力。 推动电商平台全球化 AliExpress速卖通法务团队在业务拓展到欧洲、巴西、韩 国、日本、中东和美国等海外市场方面发挥了关键作用。法务 团队促进AliExpress速卖通打开了多元化的跨境模式,并在 以下领域提供了重要的支持和能力:保障全球消费者权益、对 接各地不同的官方机构、巩固供货及底层能力、解读复杂法律 及监控新法规等重要动态。AliExpress速卖通法务团队的专业 知识与对行业的敏锐触角对于推动电商平台全球化过程中的 成功起到了关键的作用,为业务保驾护航。他们的贡献确保了 AliExpress速卖通在海外市场的合规性、法律安全性和顺利运 营、为全球消费者提供了可靠的购物体验。 推出新支持金融支付的线上服务 AliExpress速卖通法务团队助力业务连通相关金融支付 机构,向客户推出高效、便捷的金融支付产品,例如先买后付、 分期付款、极速退、提前放款等产品。 巩固供货及底层能力 AliExpress速卖通法务团队提供新思路和新解法,助力 AliExpress 速卖通符合各国法规,搭建新的商家端运营模式, 完善物流基建合作方式及能力,推动“海外仓”落地,以及支持 海外市场营销活动。跨境供货平台助力中国商家批量出海,成 为中国好货出海的重要渠道,亦为海外中小型批发商提供多样 化供给,让全世界的消费者简单淘到宝。 解读复杂法律及实时监控新法规等重要动态 科技日新月异,全球多个市场的法规也正在配合市场发展 而不断革新,AliExpress速卖通法务团队努力不懈地为各个相 关业务团队解读复杂法律法规,实时监测全球立法政策、行业 趋势、友商动态、合规风险并进行分析以及建立应对方案和机制 等,为AliExpress速卖通以合规方式拓展全球业务保驾护航。