9 772220 270006 ISSN 2220-2706 CHINA’S TOP IP LAW FIRMS 知识产权业务 排名同时揭晓 OFFSHORE LAWYERS AS PICKED BY CLIENTS 客户首选离岸 律师榜单公布 NEW TRENDS IN ESG SERVICES ESG法律服务 呈现出新趋势 FIRMS, RISING LAWYERS, CLIENT CHOICE 律所、律师新星、客户首选律师 16TH AUGUST • SHANGHAI 8月16日 • 上海 Asian Legal Business is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: East China, with the winners being announced in a gala ceremony in Shanghai on Friday 16th August, 2024. Recognizing your organization’s accomplishments, ALB would like to invite you to nominate your own legal team or that of another organization that you have worked with in the past, for one or more of the 30 categories we will be presenting on the awards night. Joining the nomination process and attending the awarding ceremony are ideal opportunities for law firms and in-house teams not only to establish competitive networks, but also to showcase their expertise and leading position in the legal community. 《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)欣然宣布,2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖: 华东地区提名已开放,这些象征着中国沿海地区法律市场领 先地位的 奖项最终花落谁家,将于2024年8月16日(星期五)在上海举行的颁奖盛典上一一公布。 ALB诚邀华东地区的法律从业 者参与到本次活动中,展示您及团队的专业程度与领先地位,并帮助您建立极具竞争力的人脉资源, 可以提名自己的团队、或者 提名在过去一年中与您有工作交集的其它组织或团队,去赢得30个奖项中的一个或多个奖项。 YVONNE CHEUNG 张裕裕 China Key Accounts +852 3952 5814 STEFFI YANG 杨绮繁 South and West China Key Accounts +86 10 5669 2041 STEVEN ZHAO 赵树群 China Key Accounts +86 10 5669 2021 RESEARCH TEAM 调研团队 +86 10 5669 2015 +86 10 5669 2009 +86 10 5669 2010

1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS 研,《亚洲法律杂志》 于日前公布了二零二 四年ALB中国法律大 奖入围名单。 With contribution from: • Beijing Starrise Law Firm 北京星来律师事务所 BRI EFS 4 Briefs 焦点故事 8 Appointments 律师转所信息 9 Deals 交易 With contribution from: • Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm 北京市道可特律师事务所 COVER STORY 10 2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: South China Firms, South China Rising Lawyers, South China Client Choice 2024 ALB China 区域市场排名: 华南地区律所、华南 地区律师新星、华南 地区客户首选律师 ALB continues to highlight firms with outstanding achievements in South China, as well as the young lawyers there who are shaping the future of the profession. Additionally, this year’s list introduces a new ‘Client Choice’ ranking to showcase lawyers in South China. 今年,ALB继续关注 于华南地区成绩卓越 的律师事务所、引领 未来发展方向的青年 律师才俊。同时,今年 的榜单新增“客户首 选律师”排名,呈现在 专业能力之外,以贴 心服务获得客户青睐 的华南律师。 Ranking by ALB, text by Hu Yangxiaoxiao With contribution from: • Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 FEATURES 22 Green potential 挖掘绿色潜力 In recent years, China has significantly strengthened its ESG regulations. Consequently, ESG-related legal services have evolved into a distinct area of practice within law firms. 过去几年,中国环 境、社会、治理领域 (ESG)规则日益健 全,ESG相关法律服 务也日渐成长为单独 的律所业务板块。目 前,ESG法律服务正 出现“行业化”趋势, 其对律师的创新能 力、综合判断也提出 了更高要求。 26 2024 ALB China IP Rankings 2024 ALB China 知识产权业务排名 ALB China unveils its annual IP rankings that identify the best law firms in China for IP work related to patents, trademarks, and copyrights. ALB China 一年一 度的知识产权业务排 名评选出了中国境内 专利、商标及版权业 务领域的市场领先 律所。 38 ALB Offshore Client Choice 2024 2024 ALB 客户首选离岸律师 Continuing our annual tradition, ALB is recognising outstanding lawyers working for offshore law firms across the region. 延续往年传统,ALB 再次评选出了亚洲离 岸律师事务所的杰出 法律执业者,上榜者 引领了亚洲离岸法律 服务的发展图景。 46 Finalists announced for the 21st annual ALB China Law Awards 二零二四年ALB中国 法律大奖入围名单 公布 After nearly three months of rigorous research, ALB is pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2024 ALB China Law Awards. 经过近3个月严谨调 26 2024 ALB CHINA IP RANKINGS 2024 ALB CHINA 知识产权业务排名 Image: Rob Nazh/

2 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 RANAJIT DAM, Managing Editor, Asian Legal Business, Thomson Reuters HEAD OF LEGAL MEDIA BUSINESS, ASIA & EMERGING MARKETS Amantha Chia 谢京庭 MANAGING EDITOR Ranajit Dam 邓文杰 CHINA EDITOR Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST Victor Wu 吴嘉林 EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE Charlie Wu 吴卓言 SENIOR CONTENT MANAGER Wang Jin 王瑾 CHINA RESEARCH Bian Jie 边洁 SENIOR DESIGNER John Agra TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION MANAGER Rozidah Jambari PUBLISHING COORDINATOR Tracy Yang 杨紫薇 SALES MANAGERS Yvonne Cheung 张裕裕 China Key Accounts (852) 2847 2003 Steven Zhao 赵树群 China Key Accounts (86) 010 5669 2021 Steffi Yang 杨绮繁 South and West China (86) 010 5669 2041 Hiroshi Kaneko Japan, Korea (81) 3 4520 1192 Jonathan Yap Indonesia, Singapore (65) 9832 8945 Krupa Dalal India, Middle East, Singapore (91) 22 6189 7087 Romulus Tham Southeast Asia (65) 6870 3035 Simon Wan Hong Kong (852) 3462 7730 South China stands as a dynamic economic powerhouse, contributing significantly to the country’s overall growth and development. With its booming industries, burgeoning markets, and strategic trade ports, the region has become a magnet for both domestic and international businesses. It is in this thriving economic climate that the legal services sector plays a crucial role, providing the necessary support and expertise to navigate the complex business landscape. In recognition of this vital sector, our May issue brings you the annual rankings of the standout law firms and legal professionals in South China. Our lists feature those who have excelled in delivering top-notch legal services, addressing the intricate needs of a diverse clientele in this economically significant region. We’ve thoroughly researched and compiled feedback from clients to identify the brightest young legal talents, as well as the most respected and reliable lawyers in the area. Our aim is to offer a clear and reliable guide to the legal experts who are driving success and innovation in South China’s flourishing economy. Congratulations to all the firms and individuals who have earned their place on these lists. We appreciate the support of our readers, which drives our commitment to providing essential legal news and insights. 中国华南地区作为充满活力的经济重镇,为中国整体发展和经济增长做 出了重要贡献。凭借其繁荣的产业、快速增长的市场和战略性的贸易港口,该 地区已成为中国内外企业的投资热点。在蓬勃发展的经济环境中,法律服务产 业发挥着至关重要的作用,为企业在复杂的商业环境中指点迷津、提供必要的 支持和专业知识。 为此,今年五月,我们再度为您带来华南地区杰出律所和律师的年度排名。 排名中囊括了表现卓越、能够提供顶尖法律服务的华南律师,他们不断满足着 该地区复杂且多样化的客户需求。我们进行深入研究,并收集客户反馈,以识 别最优秀的年轻法律人才,以及最受尊敬的可靠律师。我们的目标是提供一份 清晰可靠的指南,向市场推介那些不断以自身成功和创新,推动华南地区蓬勃 发展的法律专家。 祝贺所有上榜律所和律师!也感谢各位读者的支持。 SOUTH CHINA’S LEGAL ELITE 华南地区的法律精英 Asian Legal Business is available by subscription. Please visit for details. Asian Legal Business has an audited average circulation of 11,402 as of 30 September 2016.Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Asian Legal Business can accept no responsibility for loss. MCI (P) 004/02/2024 issn 0219 – 6875 KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605) Thomson Reuters Alice @ Mediapolis, 29 Media Circle, #09-05, Singapore 138565 / T (65) 6775 5088 10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong / T (852) 3762 3269

ALB China Dispute Resolution Forum 2024 2024 ALB 中国争议解决论坛 21 JUNE – SHANGHAI 6月21日 – 上海 FOR MORE INFORMATION, KINDLY VISIT 更多信息欢迎访问本次活动页面 Wang Jin 王瑾 (8610) 5669 2009 Amantha Chia 谢京庭 (65) 6973 8258 SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES 演讲事宜请联系 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 赞助机会请联系 PROUDLY PRESENTED BY WORKSHOP SPONSORS SPONSOR In recent years, the in-depth reform and continuous improvement of the judicial system have attracted widespread attention from society. The latest revisions of important laws such as the “Company Law” and the improvement of legal policies in other subdivisions have made enterprises face many problems in the dispute resolution process. new thoughts and challenges. At the same time, facing the current complex and ever-changing international situation and unstable economic environment, companies have also put forward higher resolution requirements when facing cross-border disputes. How to deal with these complex social environments and reduce potential dispute resolution risks to better protect the development and operations of enterprises has become a current focus of commercial dispute resolution practitioners and participants. Based on the above background, ALB will hold the 2024 ALB China Dispute Resolution Forum in Shanghai on June 21, 2024, focusing on relevant hot topics in the field of dispute resolution. The forum will bring together senior dispute resolution practice experts, corporate legal advisors, and company executives to discuss the latest trends in the field of dispute resolution, solutions to challenges, and solutions to seize opportunities. 近年来,司法体制的深入改革和不断完善引起了社会的广泛关注,《公司法》等重要法律的最新修订和其他细分领域下法律政策 的完善出台,使得企业在面对争议解决过程中多了新的思考和挑战。与此同时,面临当前复杂多变的国际形势和不稳定的经济 环境,也为企业在面对跨境争议时提出了更高的解决要求。如何应对这些错综复杂的社会环境,降低潜在的争议解决风险以更 好地保护企业的发展和运营成为了商事争议解决从业者和参与者当下的关注热点。 综合上述大背景下,ALB 将于2024年6月21日在上海举办 2024 ALB 中国争议解决论坛,聚焦争议解决领域相关热点要点。论坛 将汇集资深争议解决实务专家,企业法律顾问,公司高管,共同探讨争议解决领域最新的趋势、挑战应对,把握机遇的解决方案。

4 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 The Shanghai Lawyer Credit Information System suggests that only 14 Guangdong-based law firms have offices in Shanghai as of 2023, and none of the 55 law firms with 100 or more practicing lawyers in Shanghai come from South China. However, this may be changing. In December 2023, Shanghai released Measures to Develop Strong Law Firm Brands and Build Shanghai into an International Legal Service Center, which delineates the city’s plan to build a lineup of law firm brands by attracting and cultivating comprehensive and boutique firms with brand awareness, professional expertise, and quality services. Driven by these incentives and their desire to settle in the Yangtze River Delta region, South China law firms may emerge as a force to be reckoned with. Thanks to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, South China law firms are growing and embarking on a more ambitious journey toward Shanghai and the broader Yangtze River Delta. 借助粤港澳大湾区的发展东风,华南律所品牌不断成熟,并逐渐展开更具“野心”的全国性布局: 长三角及上海成为了他们目的地之一。 BY CHARLIE WU 作者:吴卓言 NEXT STOP: SHANGHAI 向东去!华南律所加速长三角布局 China Commercial Law Firm, one of the top law firms in Shenzhen, opened its Shanghai office in late March. Managed by executive director Wu Bo, the opening of the new office is a significant milestone for the firm as it enters the second phase of its expansion. The launch of their Shanghai office, marking the 48th location in China and the first in the Yangtze River Delta after establishing a presence in Hangzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, and Yangzhou, suggests the firm’s deliberate and cautious strategy in entering more entrenched traditional markets. Over the past year, the Yangtze River Delta has seen a somewhat diminished export-oriented economy, with the legal sector facing a number of obstacles. Nonetheless, Wu maintains a strong sense of optimism regarding Shanghai’s potential for development. “China is in a critical period of economic recovery and transformation and upgrading, and the foundation for recovery still needs to be reinforced due to internal and external factors combined. Data show that the economic aggregate of the Yangtze River Delta region exceeded 30 trillion yuan in 2023, and the year-on-year growth of all four YRD provinces in the first quarter of this year exceeded 5%, which is ample proof of the region’s economic vitality,” Wu notes. For legal services, changes and challenges promise opportunities. “In recent years, the Yangtze River Delta region has implemented a series of policies and measures to optimize and upgrade the legal service industry, promote integrated legal services and BIG STORY

5 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA finance and litigation, we have moved into areas such as restructuring and insolvency, and private wealth. At the same time, we keep an eye on legal needs arising from the development of new technologies, and leverage our advantages of expertise and overseas network as a Stephenson Harwood’s associated firm. In this way, we can better serve both domestic and overseas clients,” Zhou adds. CROSS-REGIONAL ADVANTAGES The legal service markets and service providers differ in expertise and service model across different regions of China, and there is an urgent need to learn from each other. Therefore, South China law firms need to think about how to bring their existing deep-rooted advantages to the Yangtze River Delta. By developing and innovating within the free trade zones of Guangdong, Haikou, and Yunnan, China Commercial Law Firm has gained valuable experience in collaborative operations, attorney partnerships, and the sharing of resources. The firm aims to apply this expertise to its new ventures in Shanghai. According to Wu, China Commercial has joined hands with peers to establish a market-oriented commercial mediation organization, i.e. Pujiang Commercial Mediation Center in Hongkou, Shanghai. By drawing on and integrating the successful experience of setting up or operating on commission the Qianhai Belt and Road Legal Service Federation, Shenzhen Qianhai International Commercial Mediation Center, and Lok Ma Chau Loop International Commercial Mediation Center, in the Greater Bay Area, the firm will explore an international commercial mediation model that suits the region well. “The judicial authorities in Hongkou, Shanghai and Futian, Shenzhen have signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to jointly promote foreign-related legal services, establish an integrated intercity legal alliance, and promote exchanges and integration of foreign-related legal service resources. China Commercial Law Firm has actively contributed to judicial and professional industry development, and strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the region. All this has safeguarded the high-quality development of the legal market.” The expansion into Shanghai and the region coincides with market opportunities and the firm’s long-term development strategy. “Opening an office in Shanghai answers the country’s call for promoting balanced and coordinated regional development. We want to contribute to the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the Greater Bay Area and deliver better foreign-related legal services.” Wu emphasizes that the Shanghai office aims to build a full-chain, crossregional service model by focusing on emerging areas such as international finance, international shipping, compliance, new energy resources, biomedicine, and ESG while maintaining professional advantages in traditional areas of strength. The office has recently brought in experts from various backgrounds, including Yu Yanhua (IP), Tang Yu (crossborder affairs), and Wu Minghe (matrimonial and family affairs). Likewise, in March, the Guangzhoubased Wei Tu Law Firm opened its first location outside South China in Shanghai. Wei Tu became Stephenson Harwood’s associated PRC law firm in 2016. Wei Tu’s managing director Zoe Zhou explains the reasons for expansion into the Yangtze River Delta market: “Despite the challenges, the Yangtze River Delta remains the most economically dynamic region in China and the active legal service market here can provide us with ample room for development. The economic challenges can catalyze new productive forces, and present good opportunities of development for legal services.” Since its inception in 2014, Wei Tu has been committed to delivering highquality cross-border legal services, which fits happily with Shanghai’s international business environment. “Especially when Chinese businesses flock to go overseas, the Shanghai office will continue to focus on cross-border services. In addition to the core business of corporate and administrative cooperation between the two cities and organized the first North Bund Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Legal Services Forum to draw lawyers and resources from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to Shanghai,” Wu says. Now the firm boasts 87 Hong Kong and Macao lawyers. “I believe the Shanghai office will be a bridge to integrating resources in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Macao,” he adds. Zhou provides insight into the strategic approach of Wei Tu, noting “Wei Tu is a corporate law firm, so the Guangzhou and Shanghai offices can share resources of clients, management, and business, and integrated management also facilitates the deployment of staff between offices based on business needs. Wei Tu will fully utilize its experience in the two regions to safeguard the cross-regional development of our clients.” Both lawyers believe that South China law firms have huge potential for development in the region in terms of the number and size of offices. “Wei Tu wants to utilize our advantages as a corporate law firm. By better pooling and investing our resources in Shanghai, we will expand the existing business to more regions and develop new business, so that the Shanghai office can make substantial progress in the next three to five years,” Zhou points out. Wu emphasizes the cultural integration in both regions and its role in the development of law firms. “As the frontier of reform and opening up, South China boasts rich experience in foreignrelated legal services. If we can carry forward the gene of innovation, improve our professional resilience, promote fusion with the local culture, leverage the advantage of proximity to Hong Kong and Macao, expand our business, and cultivate talents, we can expect smooth development in the Yangtze River Delta region.” “The legal service market in Shanghai and the whole region is huge enough to accommodate not only China Commercial Law Firm, but also all the South China. BIG STORY

6 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 到长三角与大湾区的深度融合中来, 不断提升涉外法律服务能力。” 吴律师介绍,除保持在传统强势 领域的专业优势之外,华商上海将 聚焦国际金融、国际航运、合规、新 能源、生物医药、ESG等新兴领域, 建立全链条、跨地区的服务模式。近 日,华商上海也迎来了知识产权专家 余延华、跨境业务专家汤宇以及婚姻 家事专家吴明和的加盟。 同样在3月,总部位于广州的伟 途律师事务所正式落子上海,成为其 跨出华南地区的首家分支机构。伟途 是罗夏信律师事务所在中国内地的 联营伙伴,二者于2016年正式建立 联营关系。 谈及走出华南、进军长三角的原 因,伟途管理合伙人周红律师告诉 ALB:“尽管面临挑战,长三角地区仍 然是中国经济最具活力的区域,法律 服务市场仍然活跃,能够为伟途提供 广阔的发展空间。经济发展的挑战更 能促成新型生产力的萌芽和发展,这 也是法律服务发展的好机遇。” 伟途自 2014 年成立以来,一直 专注于为客户提供优质的跨境法律 服务,这也与上海的国际化营商环境 十分契合。“尤其在企业出海势头正 盛的背景下,伟途上海办公室将继续 致力于跨境领域服务。除了继续深耕 企业与金融、诉讼等核心领域外,我 们还拓展了新的业务领域,例如重组 与破产、私人财富。同时,我们也持 续关注新技术发展带来的全新法律 需求,并充分发挥伟途与罗夏信联营 所带来的专业和海外网络优势,更好 地服务于境内外客户。”周律师补充 道。 跨区优势 中国不同区域的法律服务市场及服 务提供商在专长、服务模式等方面都 具备自身特点,也亟需相互借鉴。因 此,如何将根植于粤港澳大湾区的优 势带到长三角,也是华南律所思考和 探索的问题。 基于在广东、海口、云南等自贸 区的建设和制度创新,华商在律所联 营、律师合作、资源置换等领域都积 累了成熟经验,华商也期待将相关经 验带到上海。 据吴波律师介绍,目前华商已联 合多家律师事务所共同发起设立市 场化商事调解组织——上海市虹口 浦江经贸调解中心,以期利用和整合 过去在大湾区设立或受委托运营前 上海市律师行业信用信息服务 平台显示,创立于广东省的律所品牌 中,目前只有14家设立了上海办公 室。而在2023年的55家上海百人所 中,目前也尚未出现华南律所品牌的 身影。 然而,这一局面或许正在变化之中。 2023年12月,上海发布《发挥 城市功能优势 做强律师事务所品牌 加快推动上海国际法律服务中心建 设的若干措施》,其中指出, 上海将 在未来三到五年内引、育一批品牌知 名度高、专业服务能力强的品牌综合 型和品牌专精型律师事务所,形成上 海律师事务所品牌方阵。 上述鼓励措施,叠加华南律所品 牌日益成熟后东向进军长三角市场 的需求,未来,华南律所或将成为长 三角法律市场一股不可忽视的力量。 3月底,在深圳规模位居龙头的 华商律师事务所正式开设上海分所, 该分所将由执行主任吴波律师领导, 是华商“迈入规模化发展2.0阶段的 重要节点”。 上海分所是华商在全国的第48 家分所,也是在杭州、南京、合肥、扬 州布局完成后才开设的一家长三角 分所,或许表明了华商在进驻较为强 势的传统市场时的谨慎态度。 虽然如此,且由于外向型经济的 特点,长三角地区在过去一年中发展 略显疲软,法律市场也面临不少挑 战,吴波律师对上海的整体前景却抱 持较强信心。 “中国目前正处于经济恢复和 转型升级的关键期,内外因素叠加导 致经济回升向好基础仍需加固。但从 经济数据来看,2023年长三角地区 经济总量突破了30万亿元,今年一 季度长三角四省经济同比增长全部 超过5%,充分证明了该地区的经济 活力。”他说。 从法律服务角度,变化和挑战也 同样意味着机遇。吴律师指出:“近 年来,长三角地区通过实施一系列政 策措施,助力法律服务产业链优化升 级,推动法律服务一体化和行业专业 化发展,加强区域内法律服务的合作 与交流,为法律市场的高质量发展提 供了坚实保障。” 正是上述对市场机遇的判断,加 之华商自身的长期发展战略,促使华 商入驻上海、加速长三角布局。“设 立上海分所是华商积极响应国家增 强区域发展平衡性和协调性号召的 表现,我们希望通过布局上海,加入 海一带一路法律联合会、前海国际商 事调解中心、河套国际商事调解中心 的成功经验,继续探索适合长三角地 区的国际商事调解模式。 此外,“上海虹口区司法局与深 圳福田区司法局已经签署了战略合 作框架协议,聚力推动涉外法律服 务,打造一体化城际法律联盟,促进 涉外法律服务资源的交流和集成。华 商积极参与两地司法行政机关的合 作项目,并成功举办了第一届北外滩 沪深港国际法律服务论坛,促进大湾 区律师及粤港澳资源向上海流动”, 他说。 如今,华商已经成功引进87位 港澳律师,“相信上海分所会成为桥 梁,帮助我们将沪港深澳资源进一步 融合”。 周红律师也表示:“作为一家公 司制律师事务所,伟途的广州和上海 办公室能够充分共享客户、管理、业 务等各方面资源,一体化的管理也有 助于伟途不同办公室之间基于业务 需要而进行人员调配。因此,伟途将 充分发挥在两地的经验优势,为两地 客户的跨区域发展保驾护航。” 基于华南律所品牌目前在长三 角市场的发展现状,两位律师都认 为,未来华南所的长三角办公室数量 和规模将面临较大的发展空间。 “在上海市场,伟途希望发挥公 司制律师事务所的优势,在上海更好 地汇集和投入所内资源,发展现有业 务的区域覆盖能力,并不断拓展新的 业务领域,使上海办公室在未来的 三到五年取得长足发展。”周律师指 出。 吴律师则特别强调华南华东文 化的融合,以及其对律所发展的助 力。他表示:“华南地区作为改革开 放的前沿,有丰富的涉外法律服务 经验,如果能够继续延续这种创新基 因,不断提升专业韧性,重视与上海 本土文化的融合,利用好紧邻港澳的 独特区位优势,拓展业务、重视人才 建设,相信能够在长三角地区得到很 好的发展。” “其实上海乃至整个长三角地 区的法律服务市场是巨大的,我们相 信这个市场不仅能够容纳华商,也能 够容纳所有希望在长三角地区获得 进一步发展的华南律所。大家相互促 进、良性竞争,同时也为上海法律服 务行业注入新的活力,提高法律服务 的多样性,促进整个法律服务市场的 发展和创新。”吴律师展望道。 BIG STORY

7 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 王晓骏 道可特律师事务所高级合伙人 李健 道可特律师事务所律师 BROUGHT TO YOU BY BEIJING DOCVIT LAW FIRM 现行的法律、司法解释针对公司作为被执行人规定了非 常多的执行措施,而公司责任财产在被股东通过各种手段“掏 空”不能清偿债务时,执行案件往往会陷入僵局。面对这些情 况,申请执行人可以通过追加公司股东作为被执行人的方式, 扩大被执行人的主体范围,尽可能使债务得到清偿。 一、追加股东为被执行人的情形 《最高人民法院关于民事执行中变更、追加当事人若干问 题的规定》中规定了以下常见的追加股东为被执行人的情形。 序号 情形 法律依据 1 追加未足额出资的股东 《最高人民法院关于民事执行中变 更十七、追条加当事人若干问题的规定》第 2 追加抽逃出资的股东 《最高人民法院关于民事执行中变 更十八、追条加当事人若干问题的规定》第 3 追务即加转未让依股法权履的行股出东资义 《最高人民法院关于民事执行中变 更十九、追条加当事人若干问题的规定》第 4 追执行加人一人公司股东为被 《最高人民法院关于民事执行中变 更二十、追条加当事人若干问题的规定》第 5 追销行人加登未记经的清股算东即为办被理注执 《最高人民法院关于民事执行中变 更十一、追条加当事人若干问题的规定》第二 (一)追加未足额出资的股东为被执行人 公司在无力偿还债务时,未足额出资的股东即承担补充 赔偿责任,且在一定情形下会加速到期。根据《全国法院民商 事审判工作会议纪要》中的有关规定,人民法院穷尽执行措施 无财产可供执行,已具备破产原因,但不申请破产的;在公司 债务产生后,公司股东(大)会决议或以其他方式延长股东出 资期限的出资期限加速到期。 (二)追加抽逃出资的股东为被执行人 申请追加抽逃出资的股东为被执行人时,申请执行人应 当提供股东在完成出资义务后将注册资金抽回的初步证据。 被申请追加的股东如不能举证证明公司注册资金转出行为具 追加股东作为被执行人的 情形和程序 有正当性、合理性,则可以将该股东追加为被执行人。 (三)追加未依法履行出资义务即转让股权的股东为被 执行人 未缴纳或未足额缴纳出资的股东是指未按期足额缴纳其 所认缴出资额的股东。如果存在股权转让的,当事人受让股权 时其出资认缴期限尚未届满的,应依法享有缴纳出资的期限 利益,不属于未按期足额缴纳出资的情形。故追加的只有出让 股份的原股东,债务形成后的受让股东依然享有出资的期限 利益。 (四)追加一人公司的股东为被执行人 追加一人有限责任公司股东为被执行人时,提供股东与 公司财产混同的举证责任在申请执行人,被申请追加的股东 应举证证明个人财产与公司财产相互独立。一人有限责任公 司应在每一会计年度终了时编制财务会计报告,并经会计师 事务所审计。如股东不能提供上述证据,法院即可作出股东与 公司财产混同的初步判断。股东不能证明其个人财产独立于 公司财产,应承担举证不能的法律后果,此时股东需要对公司 所有的债务承担连带责任。 (五)追加未经清算即办理注销登记的股东为被执行人 申请追加的要点如下:1.公司是否成立符合法律规定的 清算组;2.是否有效通知作为债权人的申请执行人;3.清算报 告中是否列入申请执行人的债权;4.如果申请执行人在公司 清算程序中已申报债权但公司未破产时,清算组是否作出相 应的债务清偿处理,申请执行人对清算组的债务清偿处理方 案是否认同等。 二、追加股东为被执行人的程序 首先,申请追加股东必须以公司财产不足以清偿债务为 前提。一般而言需要满足“穷尽财产调查措施”和“经强制执 行仍不能清偿债务”。但并不意味着申请追加股东为被执行人 需要以终本裁定为前提。 其次,申请追加被执行人还应遵循公开听证原则,如果涉 及到实体审理内容,执行法院应当组成合议庭审查并公开听 证。案件事实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的,可以书 面审查。不服裁定的当事人,应当在十五日内向执行法院提起 执行异议之诉。需要指出的是,执行异议之诉期间,法院通常 情况下不会对被申请人的财产进行处分,除非申请人提供相 应担保。 申请执行人如能通过以上相关途径将公司的股东纳入到 承担债务的主体之中,对执行案件的推进将起到关键作用。

8 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 APPOINTMENTS DU XIAOCHENG 杜晓成 LEAVING 原就职律所 TianTong Law Firm 天同律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 JunHe 君合律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Litigation 诉讼 LOCATION 地点 Xi’an 西安 LI DEYUAN 李得源 LEAVING 原就职律所 Merits & Tree Law Offices 植德律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Global Law Office 环球律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Private Equity 私募股权 LOCATION 地点 Beijing 北京 LIU YISHAN 刘奕杉 LEAVING 原就职律所 JunZeJun Law Offices 君泽君律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Sundial Law Firm 信达律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Cross-border M&A 跨境并购 LOCATION 地点 Shenzhen 深圳 WEI YI 魏毅 LEAVING 原就职律所 Tahota Law Firm 泰和泰律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Wintell & Co 功承瀛泰律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 M&A 并购 LOCATION 地点 Beijing 北京 YIN QING 尹庆 LEAVING 原就职律所 Jin Mao Law Firm 金茂律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 TianTong Law Firm 天同律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Anti-Fraud 反舞弊 LOCATION 地点 Shanghai 上海 ZHANG XIAN 张贤 LEAVING 原就职律所 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 JOINING 现就职律所 Shihui Partners 世辉律师事务所 PRACTICE 业务领域 Real Estate and Construction 房地产与建设工程 LOCATION 地点 Beijing 北京

9 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA DEALS $8.4BLN Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group’s equity reorganization Deal Type: Restructuring Firms: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, Fangda Partners, Haiwen & Partners, Allen & Overy Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR, Abu Dhabi 珠海万达商管股权重组项目 交易类型:重组 参与律所:富而德律师事务所、盛信律师 事务所、方达律师事务所、海问律师事务 所、安理国际律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区,阿 布扎比 $2.3BLN Shenyang Automobile’s acquisition of Huachen Automotive Deal Type: M&A Firms: Jincheng Tongda & Neal, Slaughter and May, Kejie Associates, King & Wood Mallesons Jurisdictions: China 沈阳汽车收购华晨汽车 交易类型:并购 参与律所:金诚同达律师事务所、司力 达律师事务所、柯杰律师事务所、金杜 律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $1.13BLN SciClone Pharmaceuticals’ take-private deal Deal Type: Privatisation Firms: Clifford Chance, Slaughter and May Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR 赛生药业私有化交易 交易类型:私有化 参与律所:高伟绅律师事务所、司力达 律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区 $1BLN China Resources Beverage’s planned to listing in Hong Kong Deal Type: ECM Firm: Paul Hastings, Zhong Lun Law Firm, Clifford Chance, Jingtian & Gongcheng Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR 华润饮料拟赴港上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:中伦律师事务所、普衡律师 事务所、竞天公诚律师事务所、高伟绅 律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区 $427MLN Chery’s JV investment in Spain Deal Type: Investment Firm: Baker McKenzie Jurisdictions: China, Spain 奇瑞欧洲投资项目 交易类型:投资 参与律所:贝克•麦坚时律师事务所 管辖地:中国,西班牙 $422MLN Deutsche Bank’s issuance of its third panda bond Deal Type: DCM Firm: Fangda Partners, Norton Rose Fulbright Jurisdictions: China, Germany 德意志银行发行第三期熊猫债 交易类型:债券资本市场 参与律所:方达律师事务所、诺顿罗氏 律师事务所 管辖地:中国,德国 $330MLN Baicha Baidao’s listing in Hong Kong Deal Type: ECM Firm: Davis Polk & Wardwell, Jingtian & Gongcheng, Clifford Chance, King & Wood Mallesons Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR 茶百道香港上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:达维律师事务所、竞天公诚 律师事务所、高伟绅律师事务所、金杜 律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区 $246MLN IntelliCentrics Global Holdings’ selling of itss healthcare credentialing business Deal Type: ECM Firm: Sullivan & Cromwell Jurisdictions: Hong Kong SAR, U.S. 中智全球出售医疗保健资格认证业务 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:苏利文律师事务所 管辖地:中国香港特别行政区,美国 $138MLN Dahengqin Group’s issurance of mediumterm notes Deal Type: Note Firm: DeHeng Law Offices Jurisdictions: China 大横琴集团发行中期票据 交易类型:票据 参与律所:德恒律师事务所 管辖地:中国

10 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 COVER STORY ALB continues to highlight firms with outstanding achievements in South China, specifically in the Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, and Hainan provinces, as well as the young lawyers there who are shaping the future of the profession. Additionally, this year’s list introduces a new ‘Client Choice’ ranking to showcase lawyers in South China who have, beyond their professional competence, endeared themselves to clients through their high level of service. of market development in areas such as capital markets. Sun Lin, the executive director of the Shenzhen office, conveys that in the past two years, “our focus has remained on core practices like securities issuance, mergers and acquisitions, and investment financing, while also playing the critical role of gatekeeper in China’s capital markets. As the market shifts toward tighter regulation, our firm has faced unprecedented challenges in balancing these responsibilities and sustaining growth.” To adapt, the Shenzhen office has recalibrated its business strategy to the evolving market conditions. Measures RANKING BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY HU YANGXIAOXIAO 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:胡阳潇潇 今年,ALB继续关注于华南地区,即广东、广西、福建、海南市场上成绩卓越的律师事务所、引领未来发展方 向的青年律师才俊。同时,今年的榜单新增“客户首选律师”排名,呈现在专业能力之外,以贴心服务获得客 户青睐的华南律师。 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ALB has reached out to several of the top-performing firms to discuss their experiences over the past year, delving into the challenges they have encountered in the South China market, their strategic responses, and their plans for future growth in this economically vibrant area. YEAR OF CHALLENGES The concept of “challenge” is undeniably central to the ongoing evolution of South China’s legal services market, a reality keenly experienced by the firms featured in the rankings. Grandway Law Offices, with its sole branch in Shenzhen, is at the forefront Leveraging the dual growth engines of the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area and the Hainan Free Trade Port, South China has continued to play a crucial role in driving China’s economic and social progress over the past year. This momentum has significantly strengthened the region’s market for legal services. In reflection of these trends, this year’s ALB China South China rankings have expanded. The list now includes 35 firms, with the number of emerging lawyers reaching 30, and the recently introduced Client Choice ranking highlighting 15 distinguished lawyers.

12 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 COVER STORY LOCAL LAW FIRM 华南地区本地律所 China Commercial Law Firm 华商律师事务所 ETR Law Firm 广信君达律师事务所 Fidelity Law Firm 福建信实律师事务所 Guangdong J&J Law Firm 广东君信经纶君厚律师事务所 Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm 广东金桥百信律师事务所 Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm 广东连越律师事务所 Guanghe Law Firm 广和律师事务所 Sundial Law Firm 信达律师事务所 Tenet & Partners Law Firm 福建天衡联合律师事务所 Topwe Law Firm 拓维律师事务所 Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm 敬海律师事务所 Wang Jing & GH Law Firm 广悦律师事务所 Zhi Heng Law Firm 广东知恒律师事务所 Zhuojian Law Firm 广东卓建律师事务所 ZhuoXin Law Firm 广东卓信律师事务所 NON-LOCAL LAW FIRM 非华南地区本地律所(华南地区业务) AllBright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所 Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所 Dacheng Law Offices 大成律师事务所 DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所 Grandall Law Firm 国浩律师事务所 Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 Guantao Law Firm 观韬中茂律师事务所 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 JunZeJun Law Offices 君泽君律师事务所 Kangda Law Firm 康达律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 Long An Law Firm 隆安律师事务所 Tahota Law Firm 泰和泰律师事务所 Tian Yuan Law Firm 天元律师事务所 V&T Law Firm 万商天勤律师事务所 W&H Law Firm 炜衡律师事务所 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 RISING LAWYERS LOCAL LAW FIRM 华南地区律师新星-本地律所 Chen Ruiling 陈蕊伶 Wang Jing & GH Law Firm 广悦律师事务所 Du Xiaojia 杜晓佳 ETR Law Firm 广信君达律师事务所 Huang Shengyou 黄胜友 Guangdong J&J Law Firm 广东君信经纶君厚律师事务所 Kang Jiaying 康嘉盈 Fidelity Law Firm 福建信实律师事务所 Liang Xiaofeng 梁小凤 Guangdong NEO-ARK Law Firm 广东洛亚律师事务所 Lin Bohuai 林博怀 Tenet & Partners Law Firm 福建天衡联合律师事务所 Liu Wenzhuo 刘文卓 China Commercial Law Firm 华商律师事务所 Lia Ou 欧平凤 Advance Law Firm 华进律师事务所 Qian Li 钱莉 ZhuoXin Law Firm 广东卓信律师事务所 Xu Fengning 许凤宁 Guanghe Law Firm 广和律师事务所 include navigating clients through a more stringent delisting system, actively handling the rise in securities misrepresentation cases, and bolstering support for corporate financing and exit strategies for PE/VC investments. “We have moved away from the notion that ‘Good wine needs no bush.’ Instead, we are now proactively engaged in brand building and market competition, keen to showcase our exceptional services and the high recognition from renowned rating agencies to potential clients. We also ensure our existing clients are kept abreast of our latest developments and growth,” Sun adds. AllBright Law Offices has cemented its position in South China with five branches, including the Shenzhen office, which has been active for nearly two decades. “As one of the first national firms in Shenzhen, we have a strong, long-standing presence in South China,” states Li Likun from the Shenzhen office’s management committee. The Shenzhen branch has evolved from offering traditional legal services to specializing in capital markets, corporate mergers and acquisitions, dispute resolution, and cross-border services. This strategic shift has leveraged Shenzhen’s innovative spirit and unique regional benefits. Li acknowledges the market uncertainties that have led companies to cut legal budgets or exit the market, posing significant challenges for law firms. In response, the Shenzhen office has focused on stabilizing and strengthening core business areas, improving client development, and supporting colleagues in developing IPO and other services. “We have been active in industry association events to discuss current issues and strategize,” Li explains. Moreover, the office is increasing its competitive edge by bolstering its internal management. This effort includes prioritizing the professional development of promising young lawyers and consistently attracting top-tier associates and partners. “We subscribe to the philosophy that professional excellence is realized through a ‘cluster effect.’ A robust, specialized team enables us to effectively showcase our service

13 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY distinctions, supporting the maintenance of our desired market share and growth rate.” W&H Law Firm, a notable national entity, presently runs eight offices in South China and has been setting up four new offices in Qianhai, Hong Kong, Zhongshan, and Nansha since 2023. Huang Shumin, the South China Regional Director and head of the Shenzhen office, describes the firm’s expansion strategy during these challenging times to ALB: “South China, the powerhouse of the GBA and Hainan FTP, is ripe with economic vitality, regional benefits, and collaborative potential across regions. The abundance of business prospects is a call to law firms to strategically position themselves for the future. Our growth in service locations is indicative of our clear business direction and our deep commitment to the South China market.” Despite the region’s potential, the South China market faces hurdles, mainly due to clients’ decreasing ability and readiness to pay, which has intensified competition in the legal services sector and led to aggressive pricing strategies. W&H has chosen to forego excessive competition in favor of improving service quality and developing new competitive advantages. “We motivate our lawyers to seek out and capitalize on new business opportunities, and to devise legal service offerings that cater to robust market needs, such as legal safeguards for entrepreneurs and datarelated legal services, which have garnered favorable reception in the market. For service delivery, we’ve strengthened our collaborative team approach to provide clients with all-encompassing, seamless services.” Wang Jing & GH Law Firm, a prominent local firm, has successfully navigated a host of challenges since 2023 through strategic internal capacitybuilding and external expansion, according to the firm’s Director, Jeff Yang. “Marking a significant organizational change, we replaced traditional ‘practice groups’ with ‘fields’ in 2023, which has greatly enhanced our specialization and allowed for comprehensive capacity development. This change has also supported the growth of our specialist teams,” explains Yang. Additionally, the firm has branched out into new business domains. “This year, we welcomed two senior consultants, Zeng Lei and Zhang Xin, both of whom are ex-Tencent staffers. Their induction has spearheaded our new ‘cross-border data compliance for enterprises going overseas’ service area. In a pioneering move, we’ve also consolidated our domestic and international offices to create a Family Office. This innovative division amalgamates legal, financial, tax, children’s education, residency planning, family trust, and investment advisory services, offering a holistic solution for wealth management and succession planning as part of our

14 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 COVER STORY comprehensive family office services,” Yang elaborates. Lianyue Law Firm, making its debut in the ALB China South China ranking this year, has been reflecting on its growth over the past several years. Following its first five-year development plan, the firm now employs 340 staff members, encompasses 20 practice groups, and operates eight professional committees. With revenues on track to exceed 180 million yuan and a host of industry commendations, Lianyue considers 2023 to be a watershed year. Despite facing challenges, the firm is in the midst of its “first fiveyear brand upgrade” and has set forth development goals for the coming five years. These objectives include ramping up investment in the training of young lawyers, bolstering professional skills, and concentrating on brand and cultural development. FUTURE PLANS In the face of ongoing challenges, law firms in South China remain optimistic about the region’s prospects, thanks to pivotal national initiatives. These firms are proactively investing in their growth and development to leverage the opportunities presented by the region. Huang from W&H Law Firm has detailed two main strategic directions for the firm’s future in South China. “Our first objective is to refine our legal services to align with the new policies of the Hainan Free Trade Zone (FTZ) and the Guangdong FTZs, including Shekou, Nansha, and Hengqin. We’re focusing on specialized services such as tax advisory, intellectual property protection, and corporate legal compliance to assist our clients in thriving and sustaining a competitive advantage in these FTZs.” “Additionally, we’re centering our efforts on legal services connected to the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ and supporting enterprises with their ‘go global’ strategies. Our Qianhai and Hong Kong offices will serve as gateways for cross-border legal expertise, boosting our capability in this area and positioning it as a key driver for the firm’s growth.” Li from AllBright emphasizes the continued importance of South China Yi Minghui 易明辉 Sundial Law Firm 信达律师事务所 Stacy Yu 于晓明 Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm 广东连越律师事务所 Zhang Fan 张帆 Huang & Huang Co. Law Firm 广东恒运律师事务所 Zhang Jinshou 张金寿 Zhuojian Law Firm 广东卓建律师事务所 Zhu Zhongjie 朱中杰 Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm 广东金桥百信律师事务所 RISING LAWYERS NON-LOCAL LAW FIRM 华南地区律师新星-非本地律所 Chen Qiaodan 陈俏丹 Long An Law Firm 隆安律师事务所 Gao Hanxi 郜晗曦 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 Hu Rongjie 胡荣杰 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 Hu Yinliang 胡银亮 AllBright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所 Huang Xiaolan 黄晓兰 Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所 Roby Huang 黄鑫 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 Jia Lei 贾磊 Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所 Denny Jiang 姜哲 Llinks Law Offices 通力律师事务所 Pan Bo 潘波 Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 Shen Nan 沈楠 Tian Yuan Law Firm 天元律师事务所 Wang Wenchao 汪闻超 Merits & Tree Law Offices 植德律师事务所 Harry Xia 夏彦 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 Yang Baoting 杨宝廷 Dacheng Law Offices 大成律师事务所 Mark Yang 杨东洋 AnJie Broad Law Firm 安杰世泽律师事务所 Yu Xiao 余晓 Tahota Law Firm 泰和泰律师事务所 CLIENT CHOICE 华南地区客户首选律师 He Xuehua 何雪华 DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所 Liang Muzhou 梁沐周 ETR Law Firm 广信君达律师事务所 Liu Ping 刘平 Guantao Law Firm 观韬中茂律师事务所 Luo Siwei 罗四维 Chance Bridge Law Firm 卓纬律师事务所 Shen Tianju 沈天举 P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP 中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所 Wang Qi 王旗 Baoxin Law Firm 广东保信律师事务所 Wang Xiaolong 王晓龙 Beijing Docvit Law Firm 北京市道可特律师事务所 Wang Zhe 王哲 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 Wu Rangjun 吴让军 Long An Law Firm 隆安律师事务所 Wu Yanzhen 吴彦臻 Beijing DHH Law Firm 德和衡律师事务所 Yang Weiliang 杨伟良 W&H Law Firm 炜衡律师事务所 Zhan Ana 詹阿娜 Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所 Zhang Han 张晗 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 Zheng Shaoze 郑少泽 Yinghe Law Firm 福建英合律师事务所 Zhuang Haojia 庄浩佳 Global Law Office 环球律师事务所