11 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA “At the same time, there is demand for more professional and efficient legal services. For example, when an enterprise formulates business strategies, it needs lawyers to provide more comprehensive legal risk assessment. Capital operations such as mergers and acquisitions require more compliance review and negotiation support. Faced with market changes and policy adjustments, lawyers are needed to assist in formulating more comprehensive response strategies.” Wang Qun adds that Wincon has built even more professional teams in data compliance, antitrust, energy and environment, entertainment law, supply chain finance, healthcare, etc. INTEGRATION AND SHARING Amid business transition and innovation, many firms are paying particular attention to resource integration and sharing in their next stage of development. According to Qu and Pan, the national affairs management function of SGLA is exercised by the national management headquarters comprising partner representatives from various local offices (Tier-1 offices). The Shanghai headquarters and local offices (Tier-1 offices) are completely equal in rights and obligations, and have full management autonomy in their respective regional market, working together to build a national brand for SGLA. This unique “N+1” model brings about universal participation, giving everyone a sense of belonging. “Legal services have very clear regional characteristics. SGLA fully respects the imbalance of regional markets, focuses on leveraging regional differential advantages, and moves towards the goal of “building more top regional firms” according to the ‘size + quality’ standard. At the same time, we also need to jointly build a supportive national resources network that we can tap on, and rely on professional integration to turn the excellent professional teams of our local offices into a ‘group army’.” “The theme of Wincon in 2023 was ‘integration and co-creation’, which stemmed from the increase in the number of new offices opened in the past 2024新年伊始,ALB再次将目 光投向中国区域法律市场上的机构、 团队及个人,观其变、听其言。今年 首份区域榜单聚焦于经济活跃、开放 度高的环渤海地区,即辽宁省、河北 省、天津市、山东省的律所和律师新 星,观察这一区域的法律服务行业运 行状态。 过去一年,环渤海地区法律从业 人员数量持续增加,也有越来越多的 律所和律师取得优异成绩。与去年相 比,本次上榜的律所、律师新星的数 量均从15提升至20。 律所方面,新上榜5家律所,均 为规模较大的综合型律所。20家律 所中,有5家本地所,其中2家总部位 于青岛,另外3家分别来自济南、沈阳 和天津;15家非本地所中,总部在上 海的有2家,各有1家在广州和成都, 其余的总部均在北京。 在律师新星榜单中,有7位律师 来自本地所,13位来自非本地所。其 工作地点分布在青岛、济南、大连、 沈阳、天津、石家庄;从省域看,共有 12位上榜者在山东工作,而辽宁、天 津、河北各有5位、2位、1位上榜律师。 回望2023 2023年对于各行各业来说,是走出 疫情阴霾、奋起直追的一年,法律服 务业亦不例外。回首2023,炜衡(青 岛)律师事务所的李波律师表示,环 渤海地区的法律服务市场相比前三 年,整体运行更加稳健,但同时充满 不确定性。 “一是在新形势、新挑战、新商 业形态和社会形态下,律所及律师业 务面临过渡和转型。”李律师说,房地 产市场的波动、科技的创新和发展等 情况对律师业务产生了明显影响,例 如房地产市场下行造成部分客户的 付费能力下降、律师业务不好开展的 情况,进而造成律师执业方向的变化。 “二是对于本地业务、传统业务 的争夺日趋白热化。环渤海地区位于 北京和上海之间,很多业务必然面临 着其他地区律师的竞争。从我们的观 察来看,这种竞争愈发激烈,且不仅 体现在服务内容上,也越来越多体现 在律师费用上。”李律师表示,价格和 本土化以前是本地区律所的两个竞争 优势,但现在优势越来越不明显,一 是其他地区的律所现在也可以提供 更具竞争性的价格,另一方面随着交 通愈加便利、各种通讯会议工具频繁 应用在日常工作中,本土化的优点不 再那么突出。” 李律师认为,在青岛乃至环渤海 地区,发展成为一家有规模、有竞争 力的律所需要付出诸多心血。“炜衡 青岛成立两年多以来,一方面积极吸 纳众多专业人才,增强律所的综合竞 争力;另一方面,也在努力打造自身 的专业业务领域,集全所之力,不断 COVER STORY two years. How to better promote integration between the headquarters and local offices, and among local offices, to achieve resource sharing and tap into endogenous development potential, is an important task for the firm at present,” says Wang Qun. “Wincon encourages internal communication, including full integration within a team, between teams, as well as between the headquarters and local offices, so as to achieve resource cooperation. Currently, we have 16 professional committees to group together professional lawyers through cross-team cooperation, and achieve closer connection in terms of practicing level, business development, etc. Wincon Law School invites senior lawyers from the headquarters to visit local offices to share their practice philosophy, firm culture, typical cases, etc. to facilitate deep integration.” According to Li, during the more than two years of development of W&H Law Firm (Qingdao), the headquarters has, by virtue of its solid professional strength, provided tremendous assistance and support in resource sharing, professional support, market development, etc. The Qingdao office has also had a positive impact on W&H’s presence in Shandong Province, and different local offices have also helped each other develop through business cooperation. “In the coming years, we will focus more on exploring and upgrading our own business capabilities. W&H is home to a group of top lawyers. How to integrate these lawyer resources internally so that they can fully leverage their own characteristics and strengths and serve a larger market in a more targeted and teamwork manner will be one of our next moves.”