33 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 2023 ALB CHINA ZHONG LUN TOP 15 IN-HOUSE TEAMS AWARDS CEREMONY Legal, Compliance & Risk Management Department, China Southern Power Grid International Co., Ltd.; Li Rui, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm 南方电网国际有限公司风险控制部;中伦律师事务所合伙 人李瑞律师 Legal Department, Blue Moon (China) Co., Ltd.; Zhou Yang, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm 蓝月亮(中国)有限公司法务部;中伦律师事务所合伙人 周洋律师 increasingly characterized by professionalism and a deep understanding of business. This necessitates lawyers to function as external think-tanks with an in-depth grasp of industrialization. As in-house lawyers continue to play a larger and more pivotal role in future business operations, Zhong Lun is committed to further enhancing its professionalism, industry knowledge, global perspective, and delivering value-added services to corporate decision-makers through specialized business solutions.” After the award ceremony, representatives from the winning teams gathered to enjoy a dinner and engage in insightful discussions. Under the guidance of Wang Jihong, a senior consultant at Zhong Lun Law Firm, the guests raised toasts in celebration of the achievements of the year, and they encouraged each other to keep progressing and embracing the future. We wish the teams on the list, guided by the spirit of the legal profession and forward-thinking, to continue safeguarding enterprises, realizing their value, and achieving new milestones! 2023年12月15日,2023 ALB十 五佳公司法务团队颁奖典礼在中国大 饭店举行,获奖的十五佳公司法务团队 代表出席了此次盛会。 中伦律师事务所合伙人刘相文 律师于现场致辞,祝贺十五佳公司 法务团队获奖,并欢迎各位嘉宾的 出席。 刘相文律师在致辞中提到,过去 几年我们经历了种种不平凡,这样的 时代更凸显了法治、法律以及法律人 的重要性。企业法务以构建规则的方 式融入企业管理、为企业保驾护航; 外部律师从不同角度赋能企业发展, 帮助企业解决现实问题。相信未来法 律,以及法律界同仁,会成为国际、国 内社会经济发展中锚定“确定性”的 稳定器。 致辞后,当晚活动进入精彩的话 题讨论环节。由中伦律师事务所合伙 人周洋律师担任主持,邀请到TCL科 技集团股份有限公司法务部部长陈 晓亚女士;金山云法务合规与资本市 场中心副总经理田博先生;欧文斯科 Liu Xiangwen, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所合伙人刘相文律师 From Left: Zhou Yang, Tian Bo, Cai Peng, Wu Xiaohui, Chen Xiaoya, Wu Linling, Li Rui 由左至右,由上至下:周洋律师、田博先生、蔡鹏律师、吴晓辉先生、陈晓亚女士、邬琳玲女士、李瑞律师