37 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA a partner at Grandway Law Offices, delivered a presentation on the topic of “Design and Resolution of Gambling Terms.” The forum then proceeded to a panel discussion moderated by Ni Jindan, a partner at Grandway Law Offices. The panel featured Wang Weina, Deputy Director of the Investment Management Department of HIIG Industrial Investment Holdings (Hangzhou) Group; Ruan Chao, Founder of Renaissance M&A Advisory; Chen Hancong, Executive Director of Bai Shaquan M&A Finance Institute; along with Chen Cheng and Zhao Xun, partners at Grandway Law Offices. They collectively discussed the topic of “Trends and Characteristics of Corporate Mergers, Acquisitions, and Reorganizations During the Economic Cycle.” After the forum, Zhang Liguo and Hu Qi shared their thoughts with ALB. Zhang remarked, “With the evolving policy landscape and the development ALB GRANDWAY JOINT FORUM 2023 of the capital market, we anticipate that M&A and restructuring will become a prominent trend in the capital market in the future. As a seasoned provider of capital market legal services, Grandway is continuously enhancing its professionalism and deepening its understanding of the multi-level capital markets to deliver more professional, comprehensive, accurate, and personalized legal services to our clients.” Hu pointed out, “The construction of multi-level capital markets has left enterprises with uncertainty in choosing different markets and boards. This places higher demands on the comprehensive capabilities of capital market lawyers. Therefore, on the path to enterprise capitalization, in addition to offering professional legal services, lawyers also need to assume an educational role, guiding enterprises in the right direction and enhancing compliance levels early on. This will positively impact the development of enterprise capitalization.” Amidst enthusiastic applause from the participants, the ALB Grandway Joint Forum 2023 concluded successfully. ALB is committed to creating valuable and productive communication platforms for legal professionals, and we extend our gratitude to all the attendees and speakers for their support! 2023年12月22日,2023 ALB 国枫合作论坛:乘“枫”破浪——多层 次资本市场下企业资本化的路径与选 择在杭州康莱德酒店成功举办。本次 论坛汇聚了150余位企业法律顾问、 高管、投资负责人、财务负责人等专业 人士,近十位演讲及讨论嘉宾围绕热点 话题与出席者展开了深度分享与热烈 讨论。 早上9点15分,大会正式开始。汤 森路透法律传媒集团高级总监谢京 庭女士通过视频向嘉宾致辞,而国枫 律师事务所首席合伙人张利国律师 则于现场致辞。他们共同欢迎各位嘉 宾及专业人士的出席。 谢京庭女士在致辞中说道,今年 以来的中国资本市场经历了一系列 变革,全面注册制的落地为资本市场 带来新的活力,而多层次的资本市场 也同样能够令企业各取所需、各就其 位。资本市场的变化则一定会引发许 多前沿的法律以及合规问题,需要律 界同仁的共同努力。 张利国律师在致辞中提到,众 所周知,我们正处在一个大变局的时 代,社会各界所面临的一个关键词就 是“变化”,而世界唯一永恒不变的 也是变化。国枫作为一家以资本市场 为主要业务的律师事务所,身处其中 并且始终关注多层次资本市场的变 化与发展。近些年来,经济形势与政 治局势不断演变,全面注册制推出、 北交所的设立、公司法的修改也使 法律人对于中国资本市场有了更多 新的认识。未来,希望法律人能够齐