PROUDLY PRESENTED BY ALB BEIJING IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2023 2023 ALB 北京 企业法律顾问峰会 SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES 演讲事宜请联系 Wang Jin 王瑾 / (8610) 5669 2009 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 赞助机会请联系 Amantha Chia 谢京庭 / (65) 6873 8258 FOR MORE INFORMATION, KINDLY VISIT 更多信息欢迎访问本次活动页面 23 November - Beijing 11月23日 – 北京 Today’s in-house counsels are adhering to the opportunities given by the times and economic development, constantly improving their own legal skills and business capabilities, and have become an indispensable partner in corporate decision-making and business layout. At the same time, due to the rapidly changing market environment and rapid development with the business track, the continuous introduction of laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, corporate legal advisors are also facing the challenge of flexibly responding to business needs, continuously studying industry practices, and timely researching and judging regulatory policies. Asian Legal Business is proud to present the ALB Beijing In-House Legal Summit on 23 November, 2023. This annual summit gathers senior-level corporate counsels, business leaders and private practitioners from Beijing and its surrounding areas to gain insights into the frontiers of business, and discuss and share the role of in-house counsels in helping enterprises develop business. 当今的企业法律顾问秉承时代和经济发展赋予的机遇,不断精进自身法律技能和业务能力,已成为企业决策和商业 布局中不可或缺的重要伙伴,同时,由于快速变化的市场环境、高速发展的业务赛道、不断推出的法律法规和监管要 求,企业法律顾问也面临着灵活响应商业需求,不断钻研行业实务,及时研判监管政策的挑战。 在此情况下,《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)将于2023年11月23日在北京举办2023 ALB北京企业法律顾问峰会,携手多家 国内外知名律所为企业法律顾问、商业精英带来一场议题深入、话题广泛的行业盛会。届时,将有200余位业界人士 共聚一堂,探讨当下热门前沿的法律话题。 WORKSHOP SPONSORS SPONSOR EXHIBITOR