45 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB JINGTIAN & GONGCHENG GBA COMMERCIAL LEGAL FORUM 2023 Zhao Yang, chairman of the Management Committee of Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所管委会主席赵洋律师 Zhang Han, partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng’s Shenzhen Office 竞天公诚深圳办公室合伙人张晗律师 Nicholas Chan, partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng’s Hong Kong Office 竞天公诚香港办公室合伙人陈应广律师 From left: Stephen Luo, partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng’s Hong Kong Office; Li Liujie, partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng’s Shenzhen Office 从左到右:竞天公诚香港办公室合伙人骆嘉昀律师,竞天公 诚深圳办公室合伙人李柳杰律师 between Hong Kong listed companies and A-share listed companies”. Nicholas Chan, partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng’s Hong Kong Office, introduced the practice of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) in Hong Kong listed companies, while Zhang Han, partner of Shenzhen office, focused on ESOPs in A-share listed companies. Subsequently, Li Liujie, partner of Shenzhen office, and Stephen Luo, partner of Hong Kong office, jointly took the stage and brought a content-rich speech on listing compliance management based on the differences in A-share and H-share connected transaction rules. The theme of the first roundtable session was “Similarities and differences between Hong Kong stocks and A-Shares compliance regulations”. Xu Pengfei, partner of Shenzhen Office, was the moderator. The guests of discussion were Nicholas Chan and Stella Yeung, partners of Hong Kong office, Lin Wenbo, partner of Shenzhen office, and Huang Liang, director and head of industry team of an investment bank. They discussed issues such as the regulatory authorities for listed companies in Hong Kong, the regulatory style of the regulators in Hong Kong and the mainland, information disclosure, and spin-off listings. In the second half of the forum, four partners from Jingtian & Gongcheng’s Guangzhou office talked about the hot legal services in the GBA. Xu Bangwei shared his thoughts on commercial dispute resolution. Zhang Kehua delivered a speech on “New trends in commercial trials involving Hong Kong and Macao “. Focusing on maritime & admiralty, Hu Jian introduced the advantages and challenges of maritime business legal services in the GBA. Then Yang Bo delivered a speech on the topic of Mainland protection in overseas litigation/arbitration. The second roundtable was moderated by Li Li, partner of Guangzhou Office. Jin Linming, Wang Jianlin and Tong Kun, all partners of Guangzhou Office, and counsel Yue Ning, participated in the discussion. Focusing on customs compliance risk, anti-monopoly compliance, real estate and criminal compliance in foreign exchange trans-