51 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB SHENZHEN IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2023 WORKSHOP SPONSORS AllBright Law Offices AllBright Law Offices was founded in 1999 as a fullservice law firm committed to providing highest standard quality services to clients. Based in Shanghai, China, AllBright has established offices in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Taiyuan, Qingdao, Xiamen, Tianjin, Jinan, Hefei, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Nanchang, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Changchun, Wuhan, Urumqi, Haikou, Changsha, Kunming, Hong Kong SAR, London, Seattle, Singapore and Tokyo. In addition, we have established an association with a Hong Kong SAR law firm, Stevenson, Wong & Co. and a strategic cooperation with an international law firm, Bird & Bird LLP. Website: GEN Law Firm GEN Law Firm is a natural result of unconditional commitment to partnership and leadership, supported by years of expertise and winning track records for our clients. We are proud of what legal profession is meant to accomplish, while we have true listening for what is important to our clients and relentlessly look for new and multi-dimensional solutions. We ongoingly generate trust and produce impact for our clients. Our primary practice focuses on corporate, dispute resolution, intellectual property and regulatory affairs (antitrust, data privacy, environment, product quality compliance, etc.). We uniquely apply legal methodology in managing public affairs and achieve great effectiveness in handling some most complex and challenging issues for our clients. Website: TIANTONG Law Firm Founded in 2002, TianTong Law Firm is committed to becoming the most trusted and respected law firm in the field of dispute resolution in China. Since its founding, TianTong never strives for the size, but for perfection of our work. Aligning with our top-tier game strategy, we are committed to delivering comprehensive services to our clients and maximizing the safeguard of their legitimate rights and interests. TianTong’s unrivalled track record before all levels of the people’s courts (especially the Supreme People’s Court) and major arbitral institutions speaks for itself. More than 40 cases handled by TianTong have been selected into core publications on civil and commercial trials, such as Gazette of the Supreme People’s Court, Guide on Commercial Adjudication Civil Trial Guidance and Reference, Case-filing Guidance and Reference, and Judicial Supervision and Guidance. Website: V&T Law Firm V&T is a full-service law firm committed to providing a wide range of legal services to clients.We have offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xi’an, Changsha, Hangzhou,Haikou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Hongkong SAR, Tongzhou, Kunming and Fuzhou. Our lawyers specialize in corporate law & capital markets, banking & finance, private equity, mergers & acquisitions, intellectual property & international practice, real estate, construction & infrastructure, dispute resolution, criminal risk prevention & defense, digital economy, carbon peak & neutrality, natural resources, cultural & entertainment, family wealth management and governmental legal affairs. Website: 气氛热烈的交流午餐后,峰会 迎来了下午的议程。 下午的议程迎来了本次峰会的 第一个重磅的讨论环节 ,围绕“倡导 与实践——探寻企业合规热点,分享 合规管理心得”这一话题,由锦天城 律师事务所高级合伙人冯成亮律师 担任主持,邀请到惠州亿纬锂能股 份有限公司副总裁陈卓瑛先生、深 圳天使母基金风险管理部总经理刘 翔先生、平安信托有限责任公司资 深合规经理贾国庆先生。 精彩的讨论环节过后,峰会迎 来了两位万商天勤律师事务所的 专家。 万商天勤律师事务所合伙人朱 学峰律师聚焦于“大湾区数据合规 法规梳理及数据出境申报要点”。首 先,朱学峰律师围绕数据合规的现 状,针对数据及数据合规的概念、各 国及大湾区数据合规立法现状展开 了全面的剖析。随后,朱律师聚焦于 大陆数据出境的监管要求,从数据 出境的几大重要概念层层铺开。此 外,朱律师还结合真实的数据出境 情形,深入解析了其中所包含的主 要法律规制、法律责任两大重点。最 后,他还从数据出境的途径、需申报 的情形、申报程序、个人信息保护对 评估的影响、风险自评估、安全评估 流程、申报材料、协议内容要点等方 面出发,针对大陆数据出境申报操 作各阶段可能遇到的难点,以及《个 人信息出境标准合同办法》的要点 提出了应对措施。 随后,万商天勤律师事务所合 伙人吴朝阳律师则专注于“企业数 据资产入表的合规风险防范”这一 主题。吴朝阳律师首先从数据资产 的重要性切入,为与会嘉宾剖析了 数据从资源化、资产化到资本化的 演变过程。随后,吴律师聚焦数据资 产的入表分析,从数据资源的会计 处理新规定、企业数据资产的入表 程序、数据资产入表对企业的影响 展开,进一步解读了企业数据资产 入表目前存在的难题并提出了切实 可行的解决路径。最后,吴律师为与 会嘉宾深入阐述了数据资产的合规 管理,并指出,法律合规要求贯穿了 数据的全生命周期,是保障数据资 产价值得以合法、安全实现的前提。 茶歇过后,峰会随后迎来天同 律师事务所合伙人庄喆律师,她带 来了“科技企业如何避免技术引进 中的商业秘密侵权”主题演讲。庄喆 律师首先从行业龙头被控商业秘密 侵权的真实案例引入,她表示,随着 技术竞争地白热化,大型公司之间 的商业秘密侵权也将愈发激烈。面 对这样的挑战,她指出,这主要是因 为企业对于商业秘密侵权风险的预 估不足,企业内部的防侵权体系不够 完善。因此,对于商业秘密的难点及 认定也需要律师展开进一步的努力, 同时庄律师也建议道,律师的抗辩顺 序与庭审人设尤为重要。对此,积极 主张合法来源、挑战对方商业秘密的 权力边界、裁剪密点抽掉价值水分也 不失为好的解决办法。最后,庄律师 表示,商业秘密内控合规体系的建设 才是企业防止被侵权的长效机制。 最后,本次峰会迎来第二个重磅 讨论环节 ,围绕“当下与未来——法 务和律师在企业发展中的积极角色” 这一话题,由己任律师事务所高级顾 问雷路律师担任主持,邀请到微众银 行法律合规部副总经理董莉萍女士、 万科集团南方区域兼深圳公司法务 合伙人董斌先生、OPPO资深法务 总监石磊先生作为嘉宾参与分享。 在与会者热烈的掌声中,2023 ALB深圳企业法律顾问峰会圆满落 幕。ALB始终期待为律师和法务创造 良好并有价值的交流平台,感谢各位 参会嘉宾和演讲者对本次峰会的支 持,期待不久后深圳再见!