1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS 师执业证书。ALB和 首批“拿牌”的香港 律师聊了聊他们在 大湾区展业的情况, 以及对下一步发展的 设想。 42 2024: The offshore view 展望2024: 离岸律所视角 Offshore law firms leaders talk about some of their big themes for 2024. 离岸律师事务所管 理者分享了2024年 的几大议题。 BRI EFS 4 Big Story 焦点故事 10 Appointments 律师转所信息 11 Deals 交易 COVER STORY 12 2023 ALB China Top 30 Largest Law Firms 2023 ALB China 中国最大30家律所 Several winners on this year’s ALB China Top 30 Largest Law Firms list emphasize that the numerical growth alone does not adequately measure the magnitude of a firm. With an increase in the size of a firm, there arises a proportional increase in the number of pressing issues that demand resolution. Therefore, understanding what it truly means to be a large firm is better explored through various perspectives, such as specialization and integration. 今年,多家登上“30 大所”榜单的律所告 诉ALB,数字的增长 不是规模化发展唯一 的度量衡,更大的规 模也带来了更多亟待 解决的问题,从专业 化、一体化等视角切 入,或许能探寻到规 模化更深远的意义。 Ranking by ALB, text by Victor Wu With contributions from: • Tiantai Law Firm 天驰君泰律师事务所 • Yingke Law Firm 盈科律师事务所 • Zhonglun W&D Law Firm 中伦文德律师事务所 FEATURES 26 Riding the tech wave 乘创新之风 As hubs for Chinese tech startups, Shenzhen and Guangzhou are experiencing an increase in demand for intellectual property (IP) services. Law firms need to build on their strengths to capitalize on this opportunity. 作为中国科技初创公 司的聚集地,深圳和 广州两个城市对于知 识产权服务的需求持 续增加。律所需要建 立自身优势,积极抓 住这一机遇。 32 Regulations & Robots: In conversation with TMT GCs 与创新同行:对话 TMT领域总法律顾问 With China setting its sights on becoming a global power in science and technology, companies in TMT fields play an important role in this process. Two general counsel of leading TMT companies share with ALB how in-house teams balance innovation and compliance. 中国正在推动建设 世界科技强国,来自 TMT领域的企业在此 过程中扮演着重要角 色。领先TMT企业的 总法律顾问和ALB分 享了企业法务部门如 何在产品创新与合规 之间寻找平衡。 38 Stronger together 厚积薄发 More than 350 Hong Kong and Macao lawyers have obtained the certificate to practice law in GBA so far in 2023. Mainland firms are convinced that talents from Hong Kong and Macao may help them overtake competitors on their journey of international expansion. 2023年迄今,已有 350余位港澳律师领 取了粤港澳大湾区律 26 RIDING THE TECH WAVE 乘创新之风 Image: Rob Nazh/