49 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB SHENZHEN IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2023 the topic “The Advocate and the Practice - Exploring the Hot Spots of Corporate Compliance and Sharing the Experience of Compliance Management.” This panel session was moderated by Harry Feng, senior partner at AllBright Law Offices, and featured Aaron Chen, VP at EVE Energy, Liu Xiang, general manager of risk management department at James Ma, Partner, Gen Law Firm 马春生,合伙人,己任律师事务所 Zhu Chunyan, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices 朱春燕,高级合伙人,锦天城律师事务所 Johnson Li, Partner, Gen Law Firm 李江,合伙人,己任律师事务所 Li Likun, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices 李立坤,高级合伙人,锦天城律师事务所 Shenzhen Angel FOF Management, and Jia Guoqing, senior compliance manager at Ping An Trust. After an engaging discussion, the summit welcomed two experts from V&T Law Firm. Zhu Xuefeng, partner at V&T Law Firm, focused on “Key Points of Data Compliance Regulation and Data Exit Declaration in the Greater Bay Area.” Subsequently, Wu Chaoyang, partner at V&T Law Firm, concentrated on “Compliance Risk Prevention for Enterprise Data Assets on the Balance Sheet.” After a break, the summit featured a presentation by Ms. Zhuang Zhe, Partner at Tian Tong Law Firm, who discussed “How Technology Companies Can Prevent Trade Secret Infringements During Technology Transfer.” Finally, the summit concluded with its second panel discussion, centered around the topic “The Present and the Future - the Active Role of In-House Counsels and Lawyers in Business Development.” This discussion was moderated by Jessica Lei, senior counsel at Gen Law Firm, and featured Dong Liying, deputy general manager at WeBank, Dong Bin, south China regional and Shenzhen corporate legal partner at China Vanke, and Steven Shi, senior legal director at OPPO. Amidst the enthusiastic applause of attendees, the ALB Shenzhen In-House Legal Summit 2023 came to a successful close. ALB continuously looks forward to providing a valuable platform for legal professionals and legal experts to exchange insights. We express our gratitude to all participants and speakers for their support and anticipate meeting again soon! 2023年10月20日,2023 ALB 深圳企业法律顾问峰会在深圳四季 酒店成功举办。本次峰会汇聚了百 余位来自深圳及周边地区不同行业 的企业法律顾问、商界精英与业界 专家。十余位演讲嘉宾围绕惩罚性 赔偿、专利确认不侵权之诉、境内 外投融资、数据合规、数据出境、数 据资产入表、商业秘密侵权、企业 合规热点、合规管理等话题展开深 入探讨与交流。 早上9点30分,大会正式开始。 首先迎来的演讲嘉宾是己任律师事 务所合伙人李江律师,他带来了题 为“知识产权惩罚性赔偿的攻守道” 的主题演讲。李江律师首先从中国 知识产权惩罚性赔偿制度的发展切 入,详细阐述了惩罚性赔偿在法律