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Asian Legal Business is proud to announce that it has published the 2020 edition of its popular Hong Kong IPO Handbook.

The handbook, which took a year to put together, covers a number of topics and chapters including Hong Kong dual-class shares, legal issues related to the listing of red chips, IPO application process, and tax consideration in an IPO, among others.

The list of contributors and supporting organizations include ACMI Asia Capital Markets Institute, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Appleby, BDO Hong Kong, Beijing DHH Law Firm, CLSA, CMB Wing Lung Bank, Commerce & Finance Law Offices, DeHeng Law Offices, Grandall Law Firm, iDeals Solutions, Jingtian & Gocheng, LC Lawyers, ONC Lawyers, Porda Havas, SWCS. Wisdom Investor Relations, ACC Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Investor Relations Association.

Please note the following terms and conditions in relation to requesting and receiving the IPO handbook:
  1. By submitting a request for the free copy of the handbook, you consent to have ALB collect your personal data, which can be later used for future updates and notifications for ALB.
  2. It is your responsibility to ensure that all information provided by you is accurate. We will not be sending the handbook to personal email addresses.
  3. ALB reserves the right to take the final decision as to whether to send you digital copy of the IPO handbook. 
  • Hard copies of the handbook are available at USD70 each. To purchase copies, please contact and a sales representative will be in touch with you shortly. 



撰稿人和支持组织的列表包括亚洲资本市场研究所、艾金·岗波律师事务所、毅博律师事务所、香港立信德豪会计事务所、北京德和衡律师事务所、中信里昂证券、招商永隆银行有限公司、通商律师事务所、德恒律师事务所、国浩律师事务所、iDeals Solutions Group Limited、竞天公诚律师事务所、林朱律师事务所有限法律责任合伙、ONC柯伍陈律师事务所、博达浩华国际财经传讯集团、方圆企业服务集团(香港)有限公司、智富投资者关系有限公司、香港企业法律顾问协会、香港投资者关系协会。


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  2. 请确保提供正确信息。我们将不对私人邮箱地址发送该《手册》;
  3. ALB保留最终决定是否向您发送该《手册》电子版的权利。 


  • 该手册的印刷本售价为70美元/本,请联系,销售代表将稍后与您联络。

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