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ALB Shanghai STAR Market IPO Handbook 2023

  • USD100.00

  • ISBN 978-988-8591-60-2

  • Publication date:

  • Format Paperback, eBook

  • Language: English and Simplified Chinese

    Asian Legal Business is proud to announce that 2023 edition of the well-received Shanghai STAR Market IPO Handbook has been published.

    The ALB Shanghai STAR Market IPO handbook 2023 provides guidance to companies on solving a variety of issues they might face in their listing journey on the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR Market. The IPO Handbook features a number of topics on issues that a company needs to consider during its listing journey, with advice provided by experts who have been offering IPO-related services since the launch of the new STAR Market and have the most up-to-date knowledge.

    These includes:

    • Thinking of IPO and the pre-IPO preparation
    • IPO application process & the latest listing rules
    • Specific listing issues – Red Chips
    • Tax considerations in an IPO
    • Intellectual property issues and IP litigation risk management

    and more.

    The list of contributors and supporting organizations include AllBright Law Offices, Dentons China, East & Concord, JunHe, Purplevine IP, T&C Law Firm, Tahota Law Firm.

    Please note the following terms and conditions in relation to requesting and receiving the Shanghai STAR Market IPO handbook:

    1. By submitting a request for the free copy of the handbook, you consent to have ALB collect your personal data, which can be later used for future updates and notifications for ALB.
    2. It is your responsibility to ensure that all information provided by you is accurate. We will not be sending the handbook to personal email addresses.
    3. ALB reserves the right to take the final decision as to whether to send you digital copy of the IPO handbook. 





    • 考虑上市及上市前准备
    • 上市申请流程及上市规则最新变化
    • 红筹企业等具体上市问题
    • 上市税务问题
    • 上市知识产权问题及知产诉讼风险管理




    1. 凡向ALB申请免费获取该《手册》的用户,将默认许可ALB收集您的个人信息,此信息将并仅将用于未来向您发送ALB相关动态及通知;
    2. 请确保提供正确信息。我们将不对私人邮箱地址发送该《手册》;
    3. ALB保留最终决定是否向您发送该《手册》电子版的权利。 






    The Shanghai STAR Market improves economic vitality and ushers in a new era

    Chapter 1

    Similarities and differences between the STAR Market and other capital markets in China and overseas: A-shares, HKEX, NYSE, NASDAQ, LSE and so on

    Chapter 2

    Considering Listing and Making Preparations

    Chapter 3

    Latest Changes in Listing Application Process and Listing Rules of STAR Market

    Chapter 4

    The Key Role of Law Firms in the Process of Application for Listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board Issues Regarding Listing on STAR Market of Red Chip Enterprises

    Chapter 5

    Issues Regarding Listing on STAR Market of Red Chip Enterprises

    Chapter 6

    Tax-related Issues in the Process of IPO

    Practical Guide

    IP Litigation Risk Response



    上海科创板提升经济活力 开启中国资本市场新时代














