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ALB Guide to Shanghai STAR Market IPOs 2021 | ALB上海科创板首次公开发行手册2021

  • USD70.00

  • ISBN 9789626617748

  • Publication date:

  • Format Paperback, eBook

  • Language: English and Simplified Chinese

    Asian Legal Business is proud to announce that it has published the Asian Legal Business Guide to Shanghai STAR Market IPOs 2021.

    This Guide, which took over one year to put together, provides guidance to companies on solving a variety of issues they might face in their listing journey on the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR Market. The IPO handbook features a number of topics on issue that a company needs to consider during its listing journey, with advice provided by experts who have been offering IPO-related services since the beginning of the new STAR Market and have the most up-to-date knowhow.

    These include:

    • Pre-IPO preparation and IPO application process
    • Intellectual property and tax issues
    • Red chips, VIE structure, valuation adjustment mechanism and other specific issues
    • Choosing your offshore listing vehicle
    • Governance and compliance issues of listed companies

    And more.

    The list of contributors and supporting organizations include Carey Olsen, Commerce & Finance Law Offices, CM Law, DeHeng Law Offices, East & Concord Partners, Grandway Law Offices, Hai Run Law Firm, Jia Yuan Law Offices, Jingtian & Gongcheng, Shihui Partners, T&C Law Firm.

    ** Please note the following terms and conditions in relation to requesting and receiving the IPO handbook:

    1. By submitting a request for the free copy of the handbook, you consent to have ALB collect your personal data, which can be later used for future updates and notifications for ALB.
    2. It is your responsibility to ensure that all information provided by you is accurate. We will not be sending the handbook to personal email addresses. 
    3. ALB reserves the right to take the final decision as to whether to send you digital copy of the IPO handbook. 





    • 上市准备和上市申请流程
    • 知识产权及税务问题
    • 红筹、VIE架构、绿鞋机制、对赌等具体上市问题
    • 离岸工具选择
    • 上市公司治理与合规问题


    为这本《手册》撰稿并提供支持的机构包括:Carey Olsen,通商律师事务所、澄明则正律师事务所、德恒律师事务所、天达共和律师事务所、国枫律师事务所、海润天睿律师事务所、嘉源律师事务所、竞天公诚律师事务所、世辉律师事务所,以及天册律师事务所(以上律所按英文名首字母顺序排列)。


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    2. 请确保提供正确信息。我们将不对私人邮箱地址发送该《手册》;

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    Chapter 1 STAR Market’s Appeal: Registration System Reform of the Chinese Capital Market
    Chapter 2 Differences between the STAR Market and other Capital Markets Overseas: STAR Market, HKEX, NYSE, NASDAQ, etc
    Chapter 3 Thinking of IPO and the Pre-IPO Preparation
    Chapter 4 Listing Application Process
      Intellectual Property Issues and IP Litigation Risk Management
    Chapter 5 Why a Law Firm is Critical to the STAR market Application Process
    Chapter 6 Specific Listing Issues
    Chapter 7 Issues Concerning Foreign Companies Seeking an IPO on STAR Market
    Chapter 8 Tax Considerations in an IPO
    Chapter 9 Choosing Your Offshore Listing Vehicle – Key Factors to Consider
    Chapter 10 Corporate Governance of Listed Companies
    Chapter 11 Compliance Issues of Listed Companies
    Case Study Valuation Adjustment Mechanism Arrangements for STAR Market IPOs


    第一章 科创板的吸引力:中国资本市场注册制改革
    第二章 科创板与海外其他资本市场的比较:科创板、香港联交所、纽约交易所、纳斯达克交易所等
    第三章 考虑上市以及上市前准备
    第四章 上市申请流程
    第五章 为何律所在科创板上市申请过程中扮演着关键性角色
    第六章 具体上市问题
    第七章 境外公司科创板上市问题
    第八章 上市税务问题
    第九章 选择境外上市主体 — 考量的关键因素
    第十章 上市公司公司治理问题
    第十一章 上市公司合规问题
    案例分析 关于科创板IPO之对赌协议安排